Entrepreneurship in Latin America
edited by Thomas Baaken and Sue Rossano (2016)
The pursuit of opportunities is at the core of entrepreneurship; however, it seems unconceivable to think about entrepreneurship education without taking into consideration the external environment. Entrepreneurs by nature seek to exploit external opportunities embedded in the environment.
To respond to this environment, entrepreneurial thinking and acting as well as innovation driven individuals are needed; more precisely, students need to develop new competences that enable them to respond to changes and capitalise on new opportunities that changes bring. In this respect, the duty of universities is to meet students’ expectations by preparing them for the environment in which they will operate.
The book “Entrepreneurship in Latin America” is a collection of academic works from Münster University of Applied Sciences, motivated by the potential of entrepreneurial actions to bring about positive changes in Latin America. The authors reflect on the role that “Entrepreneurship” plays in organisations in the form of intrapreneurship, or on the role of education systems in their home countries play in fostering these entrepreneurial thinking and acting among students and the next “leaders to-be”.
Success with consistent partners – Identification and selection of business cooperation partners
by Christian Junker (2016), published by Springer Gabler
The innovative method “consistency map”, developed by S2BMRC Team member Dr. Christian Junker, guides companies in a structured way to find and select most fitting business or University partners for their success. Partners can be HEIs (UBC) a s well as Business partners. The “consistency map” bases its suggestions on empirical findings, oftentimes suitable partner-types are revealed, which are unexpected at first.
Nowadays, partnering is essential for innovation and businesses in order to stay competitive. A partnership can either be formed as a joint innovative development of a proposal, as an increase in market share by generating economies of scale or even as an acquisition of entire companies.
For business partnering, the question is which organisations match and which constellation can be successful. To facilitate the search and selection process of adequate partners, the consistency map is a valuable new method and tool.
The University-Business Cooperation Ecosystem: an Evidence-Based Approach for the Management of European University-Business Cooperation
by Victoria Galan-Muros (2016)
The importance of the cooperation between universities and business is increasing in Europe, as it has proved to be on excellent source of innovation and on engine for economic recovery and growth towards knowledge societies. This is especially relevant in a European context with decreasing public funding for universities, business constant need to innovate, high unemployment rates and lock of global competitiveness. Facing these challenges, university-business cooperation (UBC) has become o priority for university managers, business and policymakers at all levels. However, its management and regulation ore extremely complex and its literature unclear, biased and fragmented.
This dissertation examines the phenomenon of UBC in Europe from the higher education institutions perspective. ln doing so, the strategic understanding of UBC is strengthened through the creation of the UBC Ecosystem Framework. Using an evidence-based approach, it further explores all the elements of the ecosystem in detail, such as UBC results, supporting mechanisms, barriers, drivers and some factors thot influence its development. This dissertation makes significant contributions to the UBC research field while also support the work of UBC managers and policymakers.
Change to Success: Case Studies of Latin American Universities on solutions for promoting innovation in knowledge and technology transfer
Edited by Rosalba Badillo-Vega, Victoria Galan-Muros, Lydia Raesfeld, Thomas Baaken, Sue Rossano-Rivero, Milton Villarreal-Castro (2015), published by WAXMANN
In a world where innovation is considered to be a key driver for a new economy, Higher Education Institutions (HEI) can play a pivotal role. With this understanding, HEI in Latin America, have become significantly more entrepreneurial over the last decades in order to perform their “third mission” – provide a greater benefit to society. UniTransfer, the project that gives birth to this book, emerges as a response to a better understanding of the nature of knowledge and technology transfer (KTT), presenting interesting alternative approaches to KTT such as; “Science-to-business marketing”, “Partnering approaches for knowledge transfer” and “Academic Entrepreneurship”; further it offers tools and proposes actions to implement change from within the structures of HEIs in Central America and Mexico.
This publication portrays the projects developed by the participants from Uni Transfer – Executive Training Course. Each chapter constitutes an approach and a good practice that can be further consulted by any other academic institution in a similar context striving for change to success. Moreover, the projects developed from each participant illustrate the specific profiles, visions and missions, as well as organisational and governance frameworks that the new leadership in higher education needs to embrace if it ought to fulfil its new entrepreneurial role beyond the traditional boundaries of the HEI“
ISBN-print: 978-3-8309-3319-9
ISBN-eBook: 978-3-8309-3319-4
Click here for the book release note and order information
Entrepreneurship at Universities - Exploring the factors influencing the development of entrepreneurship at universities
written by Todd A. Davey (2015)
Universities are increasingly seen as a crucial player in the development of (knowledge) societies. Entrepreneurship has been embraced in universities around the world. However, the questions of what exactly is entrepreneurship at universities and what influences it remain highly contentious. In his book, Todd Davey has provided a more complete picture of the entrepreneurial ecosystem at universities. His study shows that there is a complex web of mechanisms, stakeholders and influencing factors which make up the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The entrepreneurial ecosystem within the context of University-Business Collaboration consists of multiple influencing factors which are identified, including:
- Personal factors: the behaviour of academics and students is subject to a greater degree of influence from their own interest, attributes, motivations and perceptions;
- Institutional and environmental factors: the characteristics of the region and its culture are factors which both foster or hinder entrepreneurship;
- The process of entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer: the dependency on independent stakeholders to commercialise knowledge, for example, makes managing entrepreneurship at universities more difficult.
The results indicate a number of considerations for those driving, supporting or undertaking entrepreneurship at universities which can improve performance. “There is a growing need for clarity about the role of the university in entrepreneurship, and about what effects and motivates academic and student entrepreneurship,” Todd says. “Having a ‘bigger picture’ or macro-level perspective on entrepreneurship at universities which all stakeholders can use is very important.”
ISBN: 978-94-91901-13-3
Managing Disruption and Destabilisation
edited by Thomas Baaken and Janusz Teczke (2014)
Today’s century is a period of rapid changes in technologies and communication systems, accompanied by no less rapid political, economic and social changes. Globalization processes, hegemony of multinational corporates and industrialized countries were supposed to be a guarantor of global peace. But a new age appeared in the contemporary world, which can be described as an age of disruptive changes and destabilization.
The presented considerations in this book point out the complexity of relations taking place between the societies and businesses. The paradigms of disruptive change and destabilization on the one hand, and the variability and indefiniteness of business on the other, lead to a new setting of regions, countries, industries and educational organizations.
Moderne Konzepte des organisationalen Marketing / Modern Concepts of Organisational Marketing
edited by Thorsten Kliewe & Tobias Kesting (2014), published by Springer Gabler
Innovationen, gesellschaftliche Veränderungen sowie der stetige Wandel auf den (globalen) Märkten bringen neue Herausforderungen mit sich, die es erfordern, Lösungsansätze aus verwandten Marketingdisziplinen zu identifizieren und zu nutzen. Das organisationale Marketing kombiniert Disziplinen, die organisationale Zielgruppen zum Gegenstand haben und bietet somit entsprechende Lern- und Übertragungspotenziale. In dieser Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken hat sich hierzu ein renommierter internationaler Expertenkreis zusammengefunden, um moderne Konzepte aus dem Business-to-Business- und dem Science-to-Business-Marketing aufzuzeigen. Daraus ergeben sich für den Leser neue Erkenntnisse, Ideen und Möglichkeiten für nachhaltige und erfolgreiche Marketingstrategien.
Der Inhalt
- Business-to-Business-Marketing
- Science-to-Business-Marketing
- Hochschul-Wissens- und Technologietransfer
- Inter-organisationales Innovationsmanagement
- Organisationales Markenmanagement
Die Zielgruppen
Forschende, Lehrende, Studierende sowie Hochschul- und Praxisvertreter, die sich betriebswirtschaftlichen sowie daran anknüpfenden interdisziplinären Themen- und Problemfeldern widmen.
Knowledge and Technology Transfer through Higher Education Institutions from a market-oriented perspective
written by Tobias Kesting (2013), published by Gabler
Tobias Kesting investigates specific approaches for successfully creating processes for higher education knowledge and technology (KTT) transfer. The author explores inter-organisational transfer activities from an explicit market and user oriented perspective and thus significantly contributes to literature. Based on theoretic references bases from network analysis, national innovation systems, the knowledge generation “Mode 2” as well as the Triple Helix concept a conceptually reference framework for higher education – KTT is developed. On this basis and under consideration of model-theoretic insights regarding the transfer delivery and aspects of service marketing, Kesting develops a modular transfer system for the illustration and handling of processes. Its focus is covered in great depth through two empirical studies. The conceptually and empirical insights lead the author to conclude final theses for optimising higher education knowledge and technology transfer in the sense of successful transfer processes.
Business-to-Business Communication / new developments in B-to-B-Marketing
edited by Thomas Baaken, Tobias Kesting, Thorsten Kliewe, Ronald Pörner (2012), published by Erich Schmidt Verlag
The rapid progress of modern information and communication technologies and the linked dynamic relationships of business and emotional nature present companies especially in B-to-B markets with enormous challenges. The increasingly becoming conceptual and technical possibilities have to be understood and applied without neglecting the fundamental communication principles. This book comprises the know-how of experienced practitioners as well as renowned academics and offers a current overview of concepts, potentials and trends in B-to-B communication:
- Foundations and strategic aspects of B-to-B communication – with many examples and case studies
- Potentials of internet based communication - from Social Media and Web 2.0 to mobile Marketing & Co.
- Principles of brand policy, brand orientation, aspects of brand perception, brand management
- Current developments – viral marketing, emotionality in B-to-B Marketing, Open Innovation and many more.
Companies, agencies, marketing and communication researchers benefit from innovative impulses for successful B-to-B communication!
The relationship between universities and the regional economy in an international contex
Rosalba Badillo Vega, Lydia Raesfeld, Juan Villalvazo Naranjo, Thomas Baaken (2011)
The initiative for this book emerged at two international conferences at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL) in November 2010 in Monterrey and the Universidad Autónoma del Estado Hidalgo (UAEH) in February 2011 in Pachuca, both in Mexico. Speakers and participants, not only from Mexico but also from Central America, the USA and Germany, discuss the differences in cooperation between science and economy in different situations, to learn from each other each other and to explore the causes of certain developments. In societies like Germany and the United States is in a certain tradition of cooperation between the two sectors. Nevertheless, there are potentials for improvement. In contrast, Latin American cultures have very different obstacles. The book is an attempt to explain these developments and to provide examples of successful collaborations. These collaborations are always two-way streets, trust and patience and commitment as the basis for current and future needs, so both sides win: the science and the economy (and society as a third element). The book is thus a forum in which theoretical and practical cases are reflected. Authors reflect their experiences and share them with readers. The thanks go to the people and institutions that have made this book possible. Special thanks go to Dr. Hanns Sylvester, Head of the DAAD in Mexico and Central America, Humberto López Vera Godoi, Rector of UAEH, Dr. Jesús Rodríguez Ancer, rector of UANL, Dr.Marco Antonio Cortes Guardado, President of the University of Guadalajara.
Marketing for innovation – how innovative companies fulfill the needs of their customers
edited by Thomas Baaken, Uwe Höft, Tobias Kesting (2012), published by Harland Media
Ideas only turn to successful innovation, when the customers familiarise, understand and realise the improved benefit for themselves with/of the new products and services. The internal and external marketing of these innovations and the fulfilment of customer needs compose key factors for the success of a company in dynamic markets. Die present issue investigates substantial aspects of the marketing of innovations from the planning to the market entrance of innovative products and services. In doing so, the anticipation of customer needs through the innovation management is considered in the same way as the methods, which identify, analyse and integrate customer needs into one’s own business processes. It is concluded with how customer needs can be stimulated in the context of market entry. The book addresses managers on the one hand in the area of innovation management, product development and marketing and on the other hand offers scientists and upstarting academics valuable content and impulses for their research by presenting practice examples and methods. |
Key Drivers of University-Industry Relationships: and the impact of organisational culture difference
written by Carolin Plewa (2010), published by VDM Verlag
Rapid changes in the global competitive environment and the speed of innovation worldwide have forced private and public sector institutions to unite their efforts to remain ahead of their competition and foster the diffusion of knowledge within national innovation systems. This has led to a focus on long-term commercialisation partnerships rather than single transactional exchanges. This study provides unique insights into such partnerships by outlining relevant key success factors and taking into account the impact of organisational culture difference and of individuals engaged in the process. An integration of relationship marketing and technology transfer theory, as well as a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, including a dyadic assessment, provide a novel and well-rounded framework for understanding research-oriented university-industry relationships. The results should be of particular interest to university and industry managers and staff, policy makers, technology transfer offices and research centres, consultants, and other bodies aiming for research commercialisation success.
Business-to-Business Communication
edited by Thomas Baaken and others (2002), published by Erich Schmidt Verlag
In this publication the development of the Business-to-Business-Marketing, especially characterised by an altered information behaviour of decision makers and new technologic communication devices, is described.
Business-to-Business Communication is the comprehensive term for commercial and informative activities of companies. The private end consumer is not in focus, rather the professional decision maker, who is part of an organisation and involved in operational regulations and processes. Due to differing needs and characteristics of target groups Business-to-Business Communication complies to other conditions and requirements compared to Business-to-Customer Communication. Throughout the publications of renowned authors, who originate both from academia and practice, new communication tasks as well as requirements are discussed and suggestions, solutions and recommendations are provided. The book is thus of high relevance and benefits both transfer participants. The work is not only of importance for higher education but also for practical and concrete support of communication activities of agencies and companies.
Press opinions of the first issue:
“Especially for persons responsible for marketing issues in companies operating in the capital goods or other B-to-B oriented companies, the book conveys important additional know-how and offers a valuable set of new ideas, solutions and methods. “AUMA Mitteilungen 03/2002, (AUMA – Ausstellungs-und Messe-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.)
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe Deputy Managing Director & Research Director of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre
Professor in Innovation Management and Business Development at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65640 Email |
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