Petzold, N.; Kets, J.; Kurzhals, K. (2017): Evidencing dynamic capabilities: a review on qualitative research studies, SKM Conference Berlin., Berlin, Germany.
Orazbayeva, B. (2016): Invited speaker at the session for “Inter-Disciplinary Communication”, 20th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2016, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Orazbayeva, B. (2016): Intercultural Knowledge Transfer, 20th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2016, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Petzold, N.; Landinez, L.; Baaken, T. (2016): Disruptive Innovation as a Process. A Systematic Review, 9th Process Symposium Workshop, Kos, Greece.
Baaken, T.; Orazbayeva, B. (2016): How to get Universities closer to Markets. Communication is shouting - Marketing is listening, Science Conference between North Rhine-Westphalia and the Russian Federation, Münster, Germany.
Kurzhals, Kerstin (2016): Innovationsfreundliche Unternehmenskultur und Dynamic Capabilities, Great Place to Work® Fachdialog | Innovationskraft und Unternehmenskultur, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, T. (2016): Forschungsmarketing: Communication is shouting - Marketing is listening, Vortrag am Fraunhofer-Institut für Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Trendanalyen (INT), Euskirchen, Germany.
Nientiedt, M. (2016): Development of positioning strategies for a technology consulting service - Präsentation von Projektergebnissen, Fraunhofer-Institut für Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Trendanalyen (INT), Euskirchen, Germany.
Baaken, T. (2015): Linking academia and business through entrepreneurship education - the win-win-win benefits of integrating company projects in teaching, Key Note on the CIAKLII “Creativity meets Business Conference - Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting in Creative Industries", hosted by ifm, Cologne, Germany.
Melonari, M. (2015): Good Practice of Entrepreneurship Education: Business Idea Idol (eFACTOR) and Venture Club Münster., CIAKL II Conference, Köln, Germany.
Kurzhals, Kerstin (2015): Innovation Strength through Dynamic Capabilities and Trust Culture, Guest lecture at the master course "International Management" (Münster School of Business), Münster, Germany.
Baaken, T. (2015): How to get Universities closer to Markets, Presentation on the “HEInnovate Workshop”, European Commission, held at: TechnologieTranserAgentur, Münster University of Applied Sciences, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, T. (2015): Business Model Creation and Business Model Canvas, Presentation within the FP7 project “FP4BATIW project - Fostering partnerships for the implementation of best available technologies & management in the Mediterranean”, Tunis/Susah, Tunisia.
Baaken, T.; von Hagen, F. (2015): Tools and approaches in S2B Marketing to market research findings, Presentation within the FP7 project “FP4BATIW project - Fostering partnerships for the implementation of best available technologies & management in the Mediterranean”, Tunis/Susah, Tunisia.
Baaken, T. (2015): Internationale Marktforschung im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau - Herausforderungen und Lösungen, Vortrag im VDMA-Ausschuss Marketing, zu Gast bei Bernd Münstermann GmbH & Co. KG, Telgte, Germany.
Rossano Rivero, S. (2015): Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting Through PBL, Symposium “Next step into the future on entrepreneurship education”, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, T. (2015): What B2C Marketing can learn from B2B Marketing and vice versa, Dinner speech at MarketingBEEF (Meet&Meat) for Zerenko Industrial Branding at the Restaurante Rosso, Linz, Austria.
Baaken, T. (2015): The STP-Strategy - Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning - in the Marketing of Science, University-Industry Interaction (UIIN) Conference 2015, Berlin, Germany.
Davey, T.; Rossano Rivero, S.; & van der Sijde, P. (2015): Academic entrepreneurs see things differently - An analysis of barriers, drivers and incentives facing European academic entrepreneurs., University-Industry Interaction (UIIN) Conference 2015, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, T. (2015): How entrepreneurial universities get their competencies and knowledge closer to market, Keynote on the Conference “An entrepreneurial university and its role in the regional Triple Helix model” of the Triple Helix Society at the Biaslystok University, Bialystok, Poland.
Baaken, T. (2015): Mehr Effizienz im Touchpoint-Management – Das Touchpoint Radar, Keynote on the conference “CMO Summit Heise Media: Marketing 3.0 – multimedial, emotional und vernetzt“, at Heise Media, Hannover, Germany.
Rossano Rivero, S.; Meerman, A.; Kesting, T.; Baaken, T. (2015): University-business Cooperation in Advanced Problem-Based Learning: Developing transversal skills among undergraduate students, HTSF Conference on Technology Based Entrepreneurship, Groningen, Netherlands.
Kurzhals, Kerstin (2015): Viva Voce: Resource Recombination in Firms from a Dynamic Capability Perspective, successful defence of the PhD thesis at Coventry University Business School, Coventry, UK.
Baaken, T. (2015): New Frontiers of University-Industry Interaction, Presentation at the University of Messina, Messina, Italy.
Baaken, T. (2015): Hybride Wertschöpfung – Potenziale innovativer Geschäftsmodelle durch Produkt-Service-Integration, Presentation during the Workshop PUSH – Erfolg durch Produkt-Service Kombinationen at the Stadtschloss Coesfeld., Coesfeld, Germany.
Baaken, T.; Teczke, J. (2014): Managing Disruption and Destabilisation, Presentation at the Conference „Management in Times of Change and Inconsistency" at the Cracow University of Ecomomics, Cracow, Poland.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2014): Evidence-based creativity & communication for successful innovation and business development, ECREA Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; (2014): How public organizations can support academic entrepreneurship? The cases of Europe and the USA., II Meeting of Entrepreneurial Scientists, Granada, Spain.
Baaken, T. (2014): Science-to-Business Marketing - new approaches to successful technology and knowledge transfer, Presentation to d-PoLiTaTE Consortium, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Mexico.
Baaken, T. (2014): Münster University of Applied Sciences: The Partnering Institution, Presentation on 2014 UIIN ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITIES GOOD PRACTICE EVENT – “Facilitating interaction, Creating cooperation”, Madrid, Spain.
Baaken, T. (2014): A Good PhD is a Done PhD, Doktorandensymposium of the FH Münster and HS Osnabrück, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, T. (2014): Modern Knowledge Transfer needs Metrix, Opening speech on the Final Conference “UniTransfer“ during „2. National Conference on Innovation“, San José, Costa Rica.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2014): Making university-business relationships work, Universities in the 21st Century (as part of the International Festival for Business 2014), Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; (2014): How Relationships between Universities and Business Work? The Global Universities in the 21st Century., Presentation at the International Business Festival, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Rossano Rivero, S. (2014): Academic Intrapreneurship as an Antecedent for Academic Entrepreneurship, Science-to-Business Marketing Conference, Zürich, Switzerland.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd (2014): University-Business Cooperation in Finland, Innovation Meeting JAMK and JYU, Jyväskyla, Finland.
Baaken, T. ; von Hagen, F.; Kurzhals, K. (2014): Creative Coupling - a Key Opportunity for Success in Transfer, 2014 UIIN University-Industry-Interaction Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2014): Relevant factors to regulate University-Business Cooperation, University-Industry Interaction (UIIN) Conference 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd (2014): A model to manage and regulate University-Business Cooperation, University-Industry Interaction (UIIN) Conference 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd (2014): University-Business Cooperation in Sweden: the perspective of the technology transfer agents., Swedish Association of Innovation and Technology Transfer Support (Snnits) Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; (2014): University-Business Cooperation in Sweden: the perspective of the technology transfer agents., Swedish Association of Technology Transfer Support (Snnits) Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; (2014): University-Business Cooperation: the way forward. "Innovate to Transform", Meeting organized by Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile.
Kesting, Tobias (2014): Wissenstransfer zwischen Projekten, Guest lecture in the study course "Wissensmanagement in projektorientierten Organisationen", Master study programme "Integratives Projektmanagement" (TU Dresden/IHI Zittau), Zittau, Germany.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013): University – Business Cooperation in the IT sector: think globally, act locally., Event organised by Sadosky Foundation and The Software and Informatics Services Argentinian Chamber of Commerce (CESSI), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd (2013): University Business Cooperation in Europe: how can we better manage it?, Innovation Bootcamp, Jyväskylä, Finland.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013): University-Business Cooperation: a European perspective, NACRO Conference 2013: the Evolving Nexus of Academia, Industry and Government., Boston, United States.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2013): Bringing Technology to the Market – Who is in control?, Discussion panel on " Processes of innovation decision making: Technology push vs market pull" at Forum From Science to Business, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013): Enterprises Meet Universities: What Can Business Do for Education and Vice Versa?, Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Bonn, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2013): Potenziale von Plattformkonzepten zur Unterstützung des Wissens- und Technologietransfers, 1. Symposium Produktplattform-Management, Zittau, Germany.
Galán-Muros, Victoria (2013): The influence of experience in the degree of University-Business Cooperation, University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Kesting, Tobias; Korff, Nisha (2013): The Importance of Transfer Intermediaries in University-Industry Interaction - Theoretical and Empirical Implications, University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2013): University-Industry Interaction: Future Directions, 2013 University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2013): The Way Forward: Future directions for advancing science-business relationships, Forum From Science to Business, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013): Challenges of European Innovation, Innovation Union Meeting, Ankara, Turkey.
Davey, Todd (2013): Entrepreneurial thinking and the Muenster University of Applied Sciences, 2nd Inaternational Encounter of Experts on Entrepreneurship, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013): The presence and role of supporting Mechanisms on university entrepreneurship, ACERE Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013): The role of supporting mechanisms in entrepreneurship within HEIs, ACERE Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013): State of European University-Business Cooperation and case studies of UBC good practise, University -Business Cooperation Forum; University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Davey, Todd (2013): State of European University-Business Cooperation, University Business Cooperation & Entrepreneurship Open Forum, Muenster University of Applied Sciences, Muenster, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2012): Der Weg zum Titel. Erfahrungsbericht zum kooperativen Promotionsvorhaben, Doktoranden-Symposium 2012 der Fachhochschule Münster und der Hochschule Osnabrück, Münster, Germany.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2012): Exploring the Role of Dynamic Capabilities in the Process of Resource Recombination in Firms, 13th International CINet Conference "Continuous Innovation Across Boundaries", Rome, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas (2012): Wissenschaftstransfers zu Unternehmen - oder - Science-to-Business Marketing?, Presentation at Science Sailing Workshop "Energiewende als Chance", Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2012): S2B Science-to-Business als Innovatives Geschäftsmodell, Presentation at Workshop "Hanse Business Reloaded" at the 32th International Hansetag Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2012): Organisational Innovation in HEIs: Science Marketing vs Technology Transfer, Presentation at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Sociale Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Baaken, Thomas (2012): The Concept of Science Marketing, Guest Presentation at Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny W Krakowie, Cracow, Poland.
Baaken, Thomas (2012): Cross-Border Technology Transfer, Presentation on the 2nd German-Russian Day of Knowledge and Technology Transfer "Innovationstream - Pipline for Knowledge and Technology Transfer", INP Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2012): Market-Oriented Knowledge and Technology Transfer - University Research Commercialisation from a Service Process Perspective, Presentation at "20th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference" (24.05.-25.05.2012) on, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2012): University-Business Cooperation: Links between Education and the World of Work., Project Directors' Conference: Cooperation with Industrialised Countries, Brussels, Belgium.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2012): Making the most of what you have. Resource Recombination, Dynamic Capabilities and Value Creation in Firms, 4th Intercultural Innovation Workshop organized by noventum consulting, Istanbul, Turkey.
Baaken, Thomas (2012): Insights and Results of a Recent Study on University-Business Cooperation (UBC) in Europe, Presentation at VI International Forum from Science to Business, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike (2012): Science-to-business Marketing as a real world case of UAEH in Mexico, Presentation at the 11th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and 5th FinPin Conference "Entrepreneurial Universities", Münster, Germany.
Plewa, Carolin; Korff, Nisha; Baaken, Thomas; Macpherson, Gregory (2012): Interrelationships between Dynamic Success Factors in University-Industry Linkages, at the 11th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and 5th FinPin Conference "Entrepreneurial Universities", Münster, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2012): Resources used by academics and practitioners in knowledge and technology transfer: empirical findings and introduction of the largest free resource database on university-industry, presentation at the 11th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation on "Entrepreneurial Universities", Muenster, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2012): Development of a framework for market-oriented university knowledge and technology transfer, Vortrag auf der 11th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and 5th FinPin Conference "Entrepreneurial Universities", Münster, Germany.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno (2012): Business-minded: a study Highlighting the Academic University-Business Cooperation Champions., Entrepreneurial Universities Conference, Münster, Germany.
Galán-Muros, Victoria (2012): The State of Collaboration in R&D and Commercialisation of R&D in the Context of Cooperation between Business and Higher Education Institutions in Europe, TII - Proton Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Galan-Muros, Victoria, Davey, Todd (2012): Student Mobility in the Context of Cooperation between Business and Higher Education Institutions, presentation at ERACON & Erasmus Coordinators Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2012): Current Practice in European Student Mobility within Industry-University Collaboration, INENTER Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2012): Value Creation in University-Industry Relationships, presentation at Zürich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Kesting, Tobias (2012): Hochschul-Wissens- und Technologietransfer als Ausgangsbasis für ein Science-to-Business Marketing, Gastvorlesung im Masterstudiengang "Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsmanagement" (Hochschule Osnabrück), Osnabrück, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2012): Marktstrukturierung eines Teilmarkts für Forschungsleistungen - Ansätze zur Kundenidentifizierung und -klassifizierung, Gastvorlesung im Masterstudiengang "Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsmanagement" (Hochschule Osnabrück), Osnabrück, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2012): University-Business Cooperation in Europe: Key findings from a European Study, DG Education and Culture. European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.
Baaken, Thomas (2012): International Marketing Research- Options and Benefits, presentation during MBA Programme at Christ University Bangalore, Bangalore, India.
Baaken, Thomas (2012): Global Marketing Management, presentation at IHI Zittau, Zittau, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2012): Marketing in der Praxis, presentation at Seminar "Marketing in Praxis und Wissenschaft", Jun.-Prof. Dr. Harland, Zittau, Germany.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2012): Resource Recombination in Firms from a Dynamic Capability Perspective, presentation at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
Junker, Christian (2011): Science-to-Business Marketing - a Crucial Success Factor in Research, 1st German-Russian Day of Technology, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): The Mobility of Students as part of the University-Business Cooperation., Thematic Meeting on Eramus Placement, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Science-to-Business Marketing - a new approach to technology and knowledge transfer, Vortrag auf dem Alumni-Seminar des DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), Guadalajara, Mexico.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Science-to-Business Marketing - a new approach to technology and knowledge transfer, Vortrag an der Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH), Pachuca, Mexico.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Kooperationsprojekte und -modelle zwischen Hochschulen und regionaler Wirt¬schaft: Science-to-Business, Presentation at Symposium "Strategien der Kooperation Hochschule-Wirtschaft" of IT-Forum Nord Westfalen, Münster, Germany.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): University-Business Cooperation in Europe: Key findings from the European study into UBC, Thematic Forum: Innovation together. Partnerships for an Entrepreneurial Europe, Enschede, Netherlands.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Models of Collaborative Research and Science Marketing, presentation at conference "EUIMA-Collaborative Research" of European University Association (EUA) in collaboration with CESAER Network, Politecnico di Torino (8.-9.11.2011), Turin, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Science -> Marketing -> Science, Presentation at ECIC Entrepreneurship, Commersialisation & Innovation Centre University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): Results of a Major Study: the Cooperation between Higher Education Institutions and Public /Private Organisations, Symposium für Wissenschaftsmarketing, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): Results of a Major Study on the Cooperation between Higher Education Institutions and public/private Organisations, Presentation at Berliner Symposium für Wissenschaftsmarketing der TU Berlin in der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Uvajanje inovacije na trg / Introducing innovation to the market, presentation at Conference KONFERENCA ZA INOVATIVNE IN PODJETNE Ljubljana University Incubator, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2011): Business Models in University Technology Transfer: Using Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas For Better Management of Partnering and IP Exploitation, presentation at T2S Technology Transfer Conference 2011 "Technology Transfer in a Global Economy" (22.-23.09.2011), Augsburg, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Close the Gaps - Market Analysis in Research Markets, presentation at T2S Technology Transfer Conference 2011 "Technology Transfer in a Global Economy" (22.-23.09.2011), Augsburg, Germany.
Davey, Todd (2011): Study On The Cooperation Between HEIs And Public And Private Organisations In Europe, presentation at T2S Technology Transfer Conference 2011 "Technology Transfer in a Global Economy" (22.-23.09.2011), Augsburg, Germany.
Korff, Nisha; Kesting, Tobias; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang (2011): Market Segmentation in University-Industry Technology Transfer, presentation at T2S Technology Transfer Conference 2011 "Technology Transfer in a Global Economy" (22.-23.09.2011), Augsburg, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2011): Grundlagen der Marktsegmentierung. Segmenting - Targeting - Positioning, Guest Lecture at the PhD course of "Dok.Net des IHI Zittau" in the course of the lecture regarding marketing strategies and processes, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Hybride Wertschöpfung - Perspektiven und Grenzen", presentation at "Initiativkreis Wirtschaft Oelde", Oelde, Germany.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2011): Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination: Exploring the Determinants of Resource Recombination from a Dynamic Capability Perspective, presentation at 11. PhD Workshop der 12th International CINet Conference "Continuous Innovation: Doing More with Less" (11.-13.09.2011), Arhus, Denmark.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2011): The Knowledge Transfer Professional's Toolkit: A workshop dedicated to practical instruments to create successful knowledge transfer, Workshop auf der Innovation KT2011 Conference "Challenges for Knowledge Transfer: A Time of Change" (07.07.2011), Sheffield, UK.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Science Marketing Insights, Vortrag auf dem Expertenmeeting zum Science Marketing" an der Technology University Delft am, Delft, Netherlands.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Science Marketing Insights, presentation at the Expert Meeting on Science Marketing" at Technology University Delf, Delft, Netherlands.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Public-Private Science Marketing: Joint strategies and Partnering in Science Marketing, presentation at "1st International Conference on Science Marketing" at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Kesting, Tobias (2011): Industry-University Collaboration from the Point of View of Companies as Research Customers - An international Survey of textile and textile-related Industries in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, Presentation at 18th International Product Development Management Conference "Innovate through Design" (06.-07.06.2011), Delft, Netherlands.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Research Commercialisation and Markets -How to think about commercialisation markets in respect to research, presentation at the workshop "Developing University-Industry Partnerships to Strengthen Innovative Economies" for the conference "Forum from Science to Business and 10th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation", St. Petersburg, Russia.
Korff, Nisha (2011): Commercialisation Success - Do Drivers Change over Time, Presentation at the 5th International Forum From Science-to-Business "Modern Concept of Universities and High-tech Business Cooperation (11.05. - 13.05.2011), St. Petersburg, Russia.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2011): How to assess R&D projects, presentation at the workshop "Developing University-Industry Partnerships to Strengthen Innovative Economies" for the conference "Forum from Science to Business and 10th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation", St. Petersburg, Russia.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Science-to-Business Marketing - a New Successful Approach for getting Higher Education & Research Institutions closer to Markets, presentation at the conference "Forum from Science to Business and 10th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation", St. Petersburg, Russia.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Science-to-Business Marketing - A new Model in Knowledge Transfer, presentation at conference "FITT for Innovation 2011 (ICT INNOVATIONS: Research / Business / Society) for the federal state representation for Baden-Württemberg, Brussels, Belgium.
Kesting, Tobias (2011): Marktorientierter Wissens- und Technologietransfer: Ein zweistufiger Ansatz zur Segmentierung industrieller Kunden auf Märkten für Forschungsleistungen, Guest Lecture in the MBA course "Internationales Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsmarketing" (Fachhochschule Osnabrück), Osnabrück, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2011): Ansätze zur Übertragung des Wertkettenkonzepts nach Porter auf den Hochschulsektor, Guest Lecture in the MBA course "Internationales Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsmarketing" (Fachhochschule Osnabrück), Osnabrück, Germany.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2011): Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination, presentation at the 7th CINet Doctoral Seminar "Researching Continuous Innovation" (04.-08.04.2011), Milan, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): La Vinculaión con la Industria deste la Perspectiva de las Institutiones de Educatión Superior, presentation at conference "Vinculación de las Instituciones de Educatión superior con su Entorno Económico: Retos y Oportunidades" at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo and DAAD, Pachuca, Mexico.
Kesting, Tobias (2011): Transfer Intermediaries in (University) Knowledge and Technology Transfer - Theoretical and empirically-based Considerations, Lecture at the Symposium "Deutsch-Brasilianisches Transfer Leadership Programm - Inspired by minds and nature" of the Arbeitsstelle Forschungstransfer der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Science-to-Business Marketing - Erfolgsstrategie im Wissenstransfer, presentation at the German-Brazil Transfer Leadership Program "Inspired by minds and nature" at Westfälischen Wilhelms Universität Münster, Münster, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2011): Transfer Intermediaries in University-Business Cooperation. Relevance and Activities from an International Perspective, Lecture on the Ocassion of the Visit of a Delegation of Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hildago (UAEH) at Fachhochschule Münster, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Science-to-Business Marketing, presentation at Innova. UPC Barcelona Tech, Barcelona, Spain.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Funktion und Grenzen der Delphi Methode als Prognoseinstrument, presentation in the course of the habilitation process at IHI Internationalen Hochschulinstitut Zittau, Zittau, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Science-to-Business Marketing als Erfolgsstrategie in der Projekt- und Drittmittelakquisition, presentation at symposium "Forschung erfolgreich vermarkten" organised by Research Studios Austria (RSA) and Österreichische Forschungs-förderungsgesellschaft(FFG) at Haus der Forschung, Vienna, Austria.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Science-to-Business Marketing - a Revolution in Technology Transfer, a Key for successful Research Commercialisation, Key-Note-Speech at GM2010 organised by International Association for the Scientific Knowledge, 8./9. November 2010, Oviedo, Spain.
Kesting, Tobias (2010): Wissens- und Technologietransfer durch Hochschulen: Besonderheiten, Chancen und Herausforderungen, Gastvorlesung im Masterstudiengang Innovationsmanagement (IHI Zittau), Zittau, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Science-to-Business Marketing als Erfolgsfaktor im Transfergeschäft, Key-Note-Speech at Seminar at Innovation-Contest "Wirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft" at TU Dresden, 01./02. November 2010, Dresden, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Denken. Lenken. Handeln: Science-to-Business Marketing, presentation at Science Marketing Symposium held at Berlin-Brandenburgische Akade¬mie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Institutional research strategies and profiles, presentation at the annual convention of the EUA European University Association "Diversities and Commonalities - the changing face of Europe's universities", 22-23.October2010, Palermo, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Kein Erfolg ohne Marketing - von Eskimos und Heimwerkern, presentation at Event "Meeting Mittelstand - Das Erfolgspaket" organised by BVMW Bundes-verbandes der Mittelständischen Wirtschaft at Bernd Münstermann GmbH & Co. KG, Telgte, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2010): Auf dem "2. Bildungsweg" zum Doktorat: Die kooperative Promotion als attraktive Option für FH-Absolventen, "Wege zum dritten Zyklus des Bologna-Prozesses - Das Zittauer Modell der kooperativen Promotion", Zittau, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Verwertung von Dissertationen, Key Note speech and moderation at workshop "Verwertungsoptionen in Wissenschafts-Wirtschafts-Kooperationen im Zittauer Modell" at conference "Das Zittauer Modell der kooperativen Promotion" at Internationalen Hochschulinstitut Zittau IHI, 13./14. September 2010, Zittau, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2010): Marktorientierter Wissens- und Technologietransfer, wissenschaftliche Posterpräsentation auf der Konferenz "Wege zum dritten Zyklus des Bologna-Prozesses - Das Zittauer Modell der kooperativen Promotion", Wege zum dritten Zyklus des Bologna-Prozesses - Das Zittauer Modell der kooperativen Promotion, Zittau, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): SCIENCE-TO-BUSINESS MARKETING - How to successfully market research competencies, capacities and results, presentation at Academy of Marketing Conference 2010 at Coventry University Business School, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010): Fostering Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination - A Systematic Approach towards a Model for the Likelihood of Resource Recombination, presentation at the Academy of Marketing Conference 2010 "Transformational Marketing", Track: Science to Business Marketing, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2010): The Influence of Transparency, Communication, Market Orientation and Knowledge Transfer on Research Customer Satisfaction, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2010, 6.-8. July 2010, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Kesting, Tobias (2010): The Role And Significance Of Transfer Intermediaries in University Knowledge And Technology Transfer Practice, presentation at Academy of Marketing 2010 Annual Conference on 6.-8. July 2010, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Introduction to Science-to-Business Marketing, Key Note speech at workshop "Science-to-Business Marketing - operationale Vorgehensweisen in sozialwissenschaftlichen Fachbereichen" at ICSHu Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades of UAEH Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Mexico.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Introduction to Science-to-Business Marketing, Key Note Speech at workshop "Science-to-Business Marketing - strategische Vorgehensweisen an Universitäten" at UAEH Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Mexico.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Science-to-Business Marketing, Key Note Speeach and Track Chair at Track "Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation: Intellectual Capital and University and Industry Exchanges" at 5th IFKAD International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics Conference, Matera, Italy.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010): Developing University-Industry Partnerships to Strengthen Innovative Economies, Workshop held as part of the IV International Forum from Science to Business: The Forming and Activity of Innovative Zone around Higher Education and Science Institutions, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Hölscher, Volker (2010): Overview on select new Technology Transfer approaches, presentation at the IV International Forum from Science to Business: The Forming and Activity of Innovative Zone around Higher Education and Science Institutions, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010): Factors that drive Resource Recombination, presentation at the IV International Forum from Science to Business: The Forming and Activity of Innovative Zone around Higher Education and Science Institutions, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Hölscher, Volker (2010): Image and Customer Satisfaction in Research Markets, Presentation at the IV International Forum from Science to Business: The Forming and Activity of Innovative Zone around Higher Education and Science Institutions, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Business-to-Business Marketing in Abgrenzung zum Business-to-Consumer Marketing presentationat at Colloquium for Postgraduates of Internationalen Hochschulinstituts Zittau IHI, Professor Dr. Löhr, Zittau, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Track Chair "Open innovation strategies and models from universities and research centres"; Conference: INNOVATION 3.0 - Challenges, needs and skills of the new innovation era; TII, the Association for the Transfer of Technologies, Innovation and Industrial Information, 29./30. April 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2010): Ergebnisse einer Befragung zur Zusammenarbeit von Unternehmen im Textilsektor mit externen Forschungsanbietern in Deutschland, Belgien und den Niederlanden, Gastvorlesung im Masterstudiengang "Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsmanagement" (Hochschule Osnabrück), Osnabrück, Germany.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010): Creative Coupling: Leveraging a firm`s innovation potential through interorganisational resource recombination, presentation at the DIME Doctoral Tutorial "Organizing for Networked Innovation", Milan, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): The Importance of Technology Transfer, presentation at 9th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation "Science-to-Business Marketing and Partner Relationship Management in Universities" at Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH), Pachuca, Mexico.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): The Triangle for Innovation in Technology Transfer at Münster University of Applied Sciences, presentation for Tokyo Institute of Technology (visit of delegation), Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Wissenschaftsmarketing oder Science-to-Business Marketing, Key Note Speech at Symposium "Branding Knowledge Cities - a RUndUP Themaic Network Event" at Wissenschaftspark Golm/Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Science-to-Business Marketing - ein innovativer Ansatz im Wissenstransfer, Key Note Speech at conference "Technologietransfer - Ideen Perspektiven geben" of University Partners Interchange, Bonn, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Science-to-Business Marketing, presentation at InnovUS Technology Transfer (Pty) Ltd, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Science-to-Business Marketing, presentation at Research Contracts and Intellectual Property Services (RCIPS) of UCT University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Motivating academics to innovate and cooperate, presentation at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Pt. Elizabeth, South Africa.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Market Research in Scientific Markets - Image and Customer Satisfaction Surveys, presentation at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Pt. Elizabeth, South Africa.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Market Research - Options and Benefits Different targets of Awareness, Customer Satisfaction, Image, Market Potential Analysis, presentation at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Pt. Elizabeth, South Africa.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2010): Create The Future As You Want It - Executive Innovation Workshop for Club Sponsors, Workshop at Adelaide Football Club, Adelaide, Australia.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2010): Create The Future As You Want It - Staff Innovation Workshop for Club Sponsors, Workshop at Adelaide Football Club, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): The Role of Partnering in University-Industry Relationships, presentation at Symposium "Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft" of Universytet Eckonomiczny Krakowie and Münster University of Applied Sciences, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Vom Wissenschaftler zum Unternehmer, presentation at conference "Unternehmerische Universitäten 2009" at TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Science-to-Business Marketing - a new way of getting Research closer to Business, presentation at conference "Science-to-Business Marketing and TechAdvanceTM, a Technology Assessment Model for TTO" of Centre de recherche Public Henri Tudor, Luxemburg, Luxemburg.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Linnemann, Kerstin (2009): The Power of University-Industry Relationships: Fostering Collaborative Innovation by Using Science-to-Business Marketing, Workshop at 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Hong Kong, China.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Science-to-Business Marketing, presentation and seminar at MA Master Course "Wissenschafts-Marketing" at TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Wissen ist Markt, presentation at 3. noventum Zukunfts- & Innovationssymposium "Erfolgreich in der Wissensgesellschaft", Mühlenhof Münster, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Von Eskimos und Heimwerkern - Geheimnisse des modernen Marketing, presenation at event: "Emsdetten weltoffen - Tag der offenen Wirtschaft", TWE Vliesstoffwerke GmbH & Co.KG, Emsdetten, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Netzwerkanalyse: Netzwerke - wie sie funktionieren und wie man sie nutzen kann, presentation at method seminar of Politics Master Course at Westfälische Wilhelms Universität, PD Dr. Dirk Halm, Münster, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Looking Beyond the Border: An Insight into the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre at Münster University of Applied Sciences in Germany, presentation at Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Management at Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2009): Science-to-Business Marketing - ein neuer Ansatz für Forschungsvermarktung und Technologietransfer, Kundenwertanalyse in Forschungsmärkten, , Berlin, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Bewertung der Vermarktungsfähigkeit einer Technologie, presentation in cooperation with Technologiestiftung Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin und TUServicegesellschaft, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Partneringkonzepte, KAM und PRM (u.a.), presentation at conference on Science-to-Business Marketing of Technologiestiftung Berlin and TU Berlin carried out by Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Engineering-to-Business: Erfolgsfaktoren im Innovationsmarketing, presentation at conference VDMA, Arbeitskreis Innovation at Göcking Konstruktion GmbH, Oelde, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Engineering-to-Business Marketing und Creative Coupling, presentation at workshop "Hybride Wertschöpfung" of Technologieförderung Münster and Prognos AG, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; Hölscher, Volker (2009): Data Analysis via Excel and PASW (Predictive Analysis Software - former SPSS), presentation at MBA-Program of Christ University Bangalore at Würzburg University of Applied Sciences, Würzburg, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Higher Education in International Marketing by Integration of Industry Projects, presentation at conference "EDULERN09 International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies", Barcelona, Spain.
Kesting, Tobias (2009): Fostering New Product Development By Enhancing Interactions Between University And Industry: Outlining Key Obstacles And Presenting Managerial Implications To Overcome Them, presentation at 16th International Product Development Management Conference "Managing Dualities in the Innovation Journey", 08.-09. June 2009, Twente, Netherlands.
Kesting, Tobias (2009): Market-oriented Knowledge and Technology Transfer Processes from the Point of View of Universities and University Institutions, 16th International Product Development Management Conference "Managing Dualities in the Innovation Journey", Ensched, Netherlands.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Universities and Their Role in Creating Innovation Through the Combination of Existing Intellectual Assets, presentation at symposium to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the cooperation between Münster University of Applied Sciences and Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, Poland.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Partnering and PRM - Key Success Factors in Modern Technology Commercialisation, presentation at symposium to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the cooperation between Münster University of Applied Sciences and Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, Poland.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Science-to-Business Marketing, presentation and seminar at MA Master Course "Wissenschafts-Marketing" at TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Leveraging organizational resources by Creative Coupling: An evaluation-of methods for intellectual asset identification, presentation at KnowledgeGlobalization Conference, Boston, United States.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Understanding Which Activities and Tangible and Intangible Exchanges Create Value in Innovation Network, presentation at 6th Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): University-Industry Entrepreneurship: How universities can satisfybusiness partners to exploit their entrepreneurial potential, presentation at the International Conference on Market, Marketing & Entrepreneurship: Creating & Capturing Value in 21st Century, Antalya, Turkey.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Forschungsmarketing - Science-to-Business, seminar at MBA Master Course "Wissenschaftsmanagement und -Marketing" of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and CHE, Osnabrück, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Die Zukunft der Marke im B-to-B Marketing - 7 Faktoren einer erfolgreichen Markenpositionierung, presentation at Business Breakfast at pro-art Werbeagentur, Essen, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Wissenstransfer- und Forschungs-Marketing für die Hessischen Fachhochschulen, Key Note Speech at seminar und workshop on "Vermarktung der Forschungskampagne und Weiterentwicklung des Transfers", Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Science-to-Business Marketing - a new way of getting Universities closer to Industry Markets, Faculty Talk, Christ University Bangalore, Bangalore, India.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Einführung in die Grundlagen des Business-to-Business Marketing, Key Note Speech at section seminars for PhD Candidates "Business-to-Business Marketing", section Professor Gerstlberger, Promotionsstudium IHI Zittau, Nordhausen, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): How to think out about Commercialisation markets in respect to research and spin out opportunities Research Entrepreneurship, presentation at workshop "Commercialising Research Through Spin-Offs/Start Ups. Workshop for the establishment of the approach, opportunity identification and development for creating spin-offs / start ups from research: an international perspective", Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd (2009): Creating Entrepreneurial Value through University-Industry Interaction - How Universities Can Acquire and Satisfy Business Partners to Exploit Their Entrepreneurial Potential, presentation at 6th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, 3.-6. February 2009, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Partnering and Marketing concepts in Knowledge Transfer and University-Industry Interaction, presentation at seminar "Key Account Management and Customer Relationship Management in Universities" at Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences ARENE ry und FINPIN Finnish Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Higher Education, Helsinki, Finland.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Marketing for Research, presentation at ProTon Seminar, ProTon Brussels, Brussels, Belgium.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Applying Marketing Strategies to Research and getting Research closer to Markets, presentation at ECIC Seminar Series, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): New concepts in Knowledge Transfer and Research Commercialisation, presentation at Flinders Partners Pty Ltd, Flinders University, Mark Oliphant Bedford Park, Adelaide, Australia.
Kesting, Tobias (2008): The Value Chain as a Starting Point for successful Knowledge and Technology Transfer from Universities to Research Customers. Chances and Challenges with Regard to the Transfer of Michael E. Porter's Concept to University Institutions, presentation at the 8th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation: Extracting the Value out of University-Industry Interaction, Münster, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): How to Analyse and Enhance Value Creation in Innovation Networks Involving University and Industry: Providing a Discussion Basis for Applying the Value Chain and Value Network Approach, presentation at the 8th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation: Extracting the Value out of University-Industry Interaction, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Select Instruments of Science-to-Business Marketing, presentation at the 8th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation: Extracting the Value out of University-Industry Interaction, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Science-to-Business Marketing - the new concept for KnowledgeTransfer and successful Research Commercialisation, presentation at the 8th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation: Extracting the Value out of University-Industry Interaction, Münster, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): How to Analyse and Enhance Value Creation in Innovation Networks Involving University and Industry: Providing a Discussion Basis for Applying the Value Chain and Value Network Approach, presentation at the 8th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation: Extracting the Value out of University-Industry Interaction, Münster, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2008): Analysing, classifying and specifying Processes of a market-oriented Science and Technology Transfer from the Point of View of Universities doing Research, Conference "Austauschprozesse: Extracting the Value out of University-Industry Interaction", Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Science-to-Business Marketing - a new concept for innovative TechTransfer and successful Research Commercialisation, presentation at Colloquium Master in Science Education and Communication & Science Information and Press Office Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, Netherlands.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Science-to-Business Marketing - ein innovativer Ansatz zur Entwicklung der Zusammenarbeit Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft, presentation during the section seminar "Forschungsmarketing - Science-to-Business Marketing" Sektion Prof. Gerstlberger, Promotionsstudium des IHI Zittau, Oldenburg, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): Fostering Innovation by Enhancing University-Industry Collaboration: Empirical Findings Showing How Universities Can Satisfy Their Industrial Customers to Create a Continuous Innovation Environment, presentation at the 9th International CINet Conference: Radical Challenges for Innovation Management, Valencia, Spain.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Overview on select new Technology Transfer approaches, presentation at trans2tech workshop "Validation of the model of the TechAdvanceTM, a Technology Assessment Model", Consorzio Pisa Ricerche, Pisa, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; von Hagen, Friederike (2008): Higher Education, Research & Technology Transfer in Australia, presentation at trans2tech workshop "Validation of the model of the TechAdvanceTM, a Technology Assessment Model", Consorzio Pisa Ricerche, Pisa, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd (2008): Forschungsmarketing und Akquisitionsstrategien Science-to-Business Marketing - 6 Thesen als strategischer Ansatz zur Entwicklung des Transfers an Hochschulen, presentation at Arbeitskreis "Optimierung von Transfer- und Verwertungsstrukturen" of InnovationsAllianz NRW in der IFT GmbH and Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Science-to-Business Marketing - ein strategischer Ansatz zur Entwicklung des Transfers an Hochschulen, presentation at iq brandenburg - Wissenschaft für Unternehmen der ZAB ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg, Brandenburg, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Select new Technology Transfer approaches, presentation at Trans2tech workshop Validation of the model of the TechAdvanceTM, a Technology Assessment Model including the use of Value Chains in TechTransfer, Barcelona Media - Innovation Centre, Barcelona, Spain.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Motivating academics to innovate and cooperate, presentation at Conference"Marketing inovaí aneb Jak prodat svuj vynáles?" at CeTT Centrum pro Trasnsfer Technologií at the Technology Centre AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Science-Marketing - the Workshop, Workshop at the 1st International Conference of Applied Arts", Applied Arts and Future Expectations" Mansoura University at Damietta, Damietta, Egypt.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Science-to-Business Marketing - a revolution in modern Technology Transfer, Key Note Presentation at the 1st International Conference of Applied Arts "Applied Arts and Future Expectations" Mansoura University at Damietta, 13.-15. May 2008, Damietta, Egypt.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Business-to-Business Marketing - Erfolgsfaktor Mittelstandsmarketing, presentation at "Hidden Champions - Erfolgsfaktor Mittelstandsmarketing" for Marketingklubs Münster/Osnabrück 40-year anniversary at Sparkassenakademie Münster, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Science-to-Business Marketing - ein strategischer Ansatz zur Forschungsentwicklung an Fachhochschulen, Bundesdekanekonferenz Wirtschaftswissenschaften on 08.- 09. May 2008 in, Heide, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): Forschungsmarketing durch und über Ausgründungen?, presentation at forum "Marketing und Vertrieb" at Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): From Push to Pull. The Marketing Approach in Generating Business for Universities, Key Note presentation at the conference "Promoting Entrepreneurship at Universities" of FinPin, Hämeenlinna, Finland.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit and Extracting Entrepreneurial Value - Comparing Successful Approaches Taken by a Large Private Organisation with that of a Highly Regarded University, presentation at the conference "Promoting Entrepreneurship by Universities", Hämeenlinna, Finland.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Science-to-Business Marketing - a revolution in modern Technology Transfer, Conference Presentation Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Mexico.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Market Research in Scientific Markets - Image and Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Guest Seminar at Master Course "Wissenschaftsmanagement" of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and CHE, Osnabrück, Germany.
Kesting, Tobias (2008): Value Chain- und Supply Chain-Ansatz im Wissens- und Technologietransfer, Gastvorlesung im Masterstudiengang "Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsmanagement" (Hochschule Osnabrück), Osnabrück, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Ein neuer Ansatz künftiger Wissenschafts-Wirtschafts-Kooperationen - Science Marketing, InnoMedia Workshop "Innovationsmanagement", at Münster University of Applied Sciences, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Giochetti, Cinzia; Ysern, Marta; Louch, Catherine (2008): Building Strategic Partnerships, Driving Innovation from Science to Business - How customized marketing practices can help, European Trans2Tech Conference, Aix en Provence, France.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): CUSTOMER SATISFACTION MEASURMENT IN SCIENCE- TO- BUSINESS MARKETING - A NEW WAY OF GETTING RESEARCH CLOSER TO MARKETS, Driving Innovation from Science to Business - How customized marketing practices can help, European Trans2Tech Conference, Aix en Provence, France.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Die 7 P erfolgreichen B-to-B Marketings - von der Technik zum Nutzen im Technologie- und Innovationsmarketing, InnoMedia Business-Breakfast Marketingforum, pro-art werbeagentur, Emsdetten, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Partnering in Science-to-Business Relationships, presentation on the Symposium "Entrepreneurship in Higher Education", Saxion Hogescholen, Enschede, Netherlands.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Giochetti, Cinzia; Ysern, Marta; Louch, Catherine (2008): Finding the right Partner, presentation on the Conference PROTON, Turin, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Science-to-Business Marketing, presentation at Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München, München, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2008): Science-to-Business Marketing - wie kann Wissenschaft näher am Markt arbeiten, presentation at SBV Herminonia, München, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Kundenzufriedenheiten unter Forschungskunden aus Sicht der Kunden und der Forschungsanbieter. Bisher durchgeführte Studien, Workshop der UAS7 (www.uas7.org), Münster, Germany.
Davey, Todd (2007): A Model for Technology Evaluation Pan-European INNOV 7 Interim Conference for Technology Transfer Professionals, , Essen, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Partner Relationship Management, Conference on Responsible Partnering between Research and Industry - Progress and Remaining Challenges in Effective Collaboration and Knowledge and Technology Transfer, 03.-04. December 2007, Lissabon, Portugal.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): SME Participation in Research, panellist at the third round table on improving SME participation in European Research Funding, Detect-It2 and ProTon Europe, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lissabon, Portugal.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): How to motivate researchers and employees to innovation, Technical University of Prague; Technology Centre AS CR of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Science Marketing - a new concept for innovative TechTransfer and successful Research Commercialisation, High Council of Egyptian Universities and delegates of different Egyptian Universities, Cairo, Egypt.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Science-marketing as key factor in future technology transfer and innovation, "China-EU Conference on Innovative Management of Technology Transfer" by AMSTAC (Association of the Management of Scientific and Technical Achievement of China), TII and Science Marketing Research Centre, 26.-28. September 2007, Beijing, China.
Von Hagen, Friederike (2007): Customer Satisfaction measurement in research markets and its impact on science marketing strategies - a comparison on Germany, Australia, South Africa and Japan, "China-EU Conference on Innovative Management of Technology Transfer" by AMSTAC (Association of the Management of Scientific and Technical Achievement of China), TII and Science Marketing Research Centre, 26.-28. September 2007, Beijing, China.
Plewa, Carolin (2007): The Australian Best Practices in Science Marketing, "China-EU Conference on Innovative Management of Technology Transfer" by AMSTAC (Association of the Management of Scientific and Technical Achievement of China), TII and Science Marketing Research Centre, 26.-28. September 2007, Beijing, China.
Baaken, Thomas; Gökduman, Sinan (2007): Kundenzufriedenheit und Markenpositionierung - Ableitungen aus einer Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse im Forschungsmarkt der Türkei auf die Markenpositionierung von Hochschulen, "2. Markentag Istanbul" Marmara Universität, Istanbul, Turkey.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): PRM - Partner Relationship Management as part of Science-to-Business Marketing, Symposium Customer Relationship Management (CRM) at Universities, Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Science-to-Business Marketing as a new solution in TechTransfer, Inra Transfert, Paris, France.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Science-to-Business Marketing and Partnering as Key Success Factors in Future Innovation, BDU conference "Science to Business - Bridging the Gap", Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Science-to-Business Innovation - Marketing, Partnering and successful Research Commercialisation, Sohar University, Sohar, Oman.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Science-to-Business Marketing, Partnering and successful Research Commercialisation, American University of Sharjah, Dubai/Sharjah, UAE.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Forschung und Innovation - Science-to-Business Marketing als neuer Ansatz im künftigen Wissenstransfer, Konferenz "Die Rolle der Universität in Forschung und Innovation; Il ruolo dell'università nella ricerca e nell'innovazione; The role of the University in research and innovation", Freie Universität Bozen, Bozen, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): The Role of Higher Education in Knowledge Transfer, A Colloquium of the German University Liason Offices at the DAAD, New York, The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, United States.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Science-to-Business Marketing - erfolgreiche Forschungsvermarktung, presentation at conference "Hochschulmarketing - Herausforderung und Erfolgsfaktoren im Wettbewerb" der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Marketing und Unternehmensführung und des CHE Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Science to Business Marketing - a new way of successful Science and Industry Cooperation, Atlantic-Transfer Conference Series, Science to Industry, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, United States.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Science to Business Marketing, Degussa. Creavis Technologies & Innovation, Marl, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Science to Business Marketing - a way of Successful Research Commercialisation by Getting Research (ers) Closer to Markets, Lecture, Coventry University Technology Park, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Non-Traditional Tech Transfer - Use your researcher more actively!, Conference of ASTP (Association of Sciences Transfer Professionals) "Looking Beyond Traditional Technology Transfer", Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Science to Business Marketing TecMinho, Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Science Marketing Workshop "Science-to-Business Marketing", by TTN (TechnologieTransferNetzwerk Hessen), Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Trans2Tech Innovation Evaluation Systems, Trans2Tech Consortium Meetings, INRA Transfert, Paris, France.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Science-to-Business Marketing - ein innovativer Ansatz zur Entwicklung der Kooperationen Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft, Modul "Science-to-Business Marketing" at Master Course "Wissenschaftsmarketing" at TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Customer satisfaction measurement in Science-to-Business Marketing, "2006 Science Marketing Practitioners' Clinic", TII/ ProTon/ Calibre Communications, Brüssel, Belgium.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Marketingstrategien für innovative Produkte aus den Hochschulen, Strategie-Workshop "Aufbau einer Innovationsallianz" Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik (ILT) der RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Science-to-Business Marketing - ein innovativer Ansatz zur Revolution des Technologietransfers, Strategie-Workshop der hessischen Staatskanzlei "Wissens- und Technologietransfer zwischen Hochschulen und Wirtschaft", Wiesbaden, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Professionalisierung und Vernetzung in Transfer und Wissenschaftsmarketing. Good practice international, Strategy-Workshop "Aufbau einer InnovationsAllianz" at Technologiehof Münster, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; Ryo Soda; Yoshio Sugasawa (2006): Cooperation with External Research Institutions in Product/Technology Development: Based on the Results of Comparative Surveys in Australia, Germany and Japan, Conference IAMOT 15th International Conference on Management of Technology, 22.-26. May 2006, Beijing, China.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Wissenschafts-Sponsoring, Conference Marketing Horizonte 2006 - Der Marketingfachkongress: "Sponsoring Erfolgsfaktor Partnerschaft" des MTP, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Customer Expectations & Customer Satisfaction in Research Markets, ProTon Europe Expert Workshop: "How to market Research? Benefit Expectations of Research Partners", Brussels, Belgium.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): European Networking - SCIENCE-TO-BUSINESS-SCIENCE-TO-SCIENCE-BUSINESS-TO-SCIENCE, Workshop: "The Paradigm of Research & Technology Driven Innovation - From Knowledge to Market" of Hanseatic Innovating Regions - Strategic conference on, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Science-to-Business Marketing - ein innovativer Ansatz zur Revolution des Technologietransfers, Workshop for the Technologiestiftung Schleswig Holstein, at Haus der Wirtschaft, Kiel, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen; Friederike; Plewa, Carolin (2006): Performance by Markets - A new Way of Successful Research Commercialisation by Getting Research Closer to Markets, 2nd Workshop on the process of reform of University systems and sustainable economic competitiveness, Fondazione Giorgio on 04.-06. May 2006, Venice, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): News in Marketing, Business Breakfast der BioInnovation SA, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Adelaide Deloitte Boardroom Talk, Boardroom Meeting of Deloitte Touch Thomatsu, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Innovative Approaches in Commercialisation Consulting, Workshop: "Adelaide Deloitte Innovation Zone", Deloitte Touch Thomatsu, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Science Marketing - ein innovativer Ansatz zur Weiterentwicklung des Technologietransfers und zur erfolgreichen Drittmitteleinwerbung, Conference "Zukunftsszenarien des Wissens und Technologietransfers zwischen Hochschule und Wirtschaft: Erfolgsmodelle, Anforderungen und Bewertungsmaßstäbe", Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2006): Science Marketing - ein neuer Ansatz zur Revolution des Technologietransfers. Erwartungen von Forschungskunden als Ausgangspunkt, Workshop Responsible Partnering - Effektivere Kooperationen zwischen Hochschule und Industrie und Verwertung von Forschungsergebnissen (Europäische Good Practice) by ProTon Europe, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Science-to-Business Marketing. Vom Technologietransfer zum Forschungsmarketing - ein innovativer Ansatz zur Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, session of Impulskreises Austauschprozesse Wirtschaft-Politik-Wissenschaft des BDI Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Industrie at Bertelmann Stiftung, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Applying Marketing Strategies to Research - a new way of getting Research to successful Commercialisation, UNIFAE/FAE Business School Brasil, Münster, Germany.
von Hagen, Friederike (2005): Forschung und Unternehmen - Science Marketing verbindet!...und sie wissen nicht, was sie tun?, AFM Marketing Symposium 2005 at Fachhochschule Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): S2B - Science-to-Business Marketing; Strategien und Instrumente des Wissenschaftsmarketing, AFM Marketing Symposium 2005, 11.-12. November 2005, Ingolstadt, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Science to Business Marketing- A new way of Successful Research Commercialisation by Getting Research Closer to Markets, 5th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation and 1st International Conference/Workshop on Business, Technology and Competitive Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan.
von Hagen, Friederike; Baaken, Thomas; Hölscher, Volker; Plewa, Carolin (2005): International Customer Satisfactory Surveys (Germany and Australia) and Research Provider Surveys(Germany and Europe), 5th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation and 1st International Conference/Workshop on Business, Technology and Competitive Intelligence, Tokyo,, Japan.
Funcke, Werner; Grosse, Gisela; Leonhardt, Marie-Luise; von Lojewski, Ute; Schröder, Carsten (2005): Transfer of Research and Knowledge at Münster University of Applied Sciences, 5th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation and 1st International Conference/Workshop on Business, Technology and Competitive Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan.
Quester, Pascale; Plewa, Carolin (2005): The Effect of A University's Market Orientation On The Industry Partner's Relationship Perception and Satisfaction, 5th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation and 1st International Conference/Workshop on Business, Technology and Competitive Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Applying Marketing Strategies to Research - A new way of getting Research to successful Commercialisation, 4th International Conference/Workshop on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation, 18.-19. October 2005, Pretoria, South Africa.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike; Hölscher, Volker; Plewa, Carolin (2005): International Customer Satisfactory Surveys (Germany and Australia) and Research Provider Surveys(Germany and Europe), 4th International Conference/Workshop on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation, 18.-19. October 2005, Pretoria,, South Africa.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Marketing Research: from the Lab to the Market Place, Training School of ProTon "Making Technology Transfer Offices a Success", UCA University of Cádiz, 03.-04. October 2005, Cádiz, Spain.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): S2B Science-to-Business Marketing: Vom Technologietransfer zum Forschungsmarketing - ein innovativer Ansatz der Fachhochschule Münster, Zwei-Löwen-Klub, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Wachstumkonzepte in Dienstleistungsmärkten, Impulsstatement auf dem Book Launch "Wachstumkonzepte in Dienstleistungsmärkten", des Autorenteam Bobiatynski Gehrmann Krause; Berlin Capital Club, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; Plewa, Carolin; Quester, Pascale (2005): Science Marketing: Best Practice, Research Agenda and a Conceptual Framework, 12th Biennial World Marketing Congress, 06.-09. July 2005, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Successful marketing measures of research commercialisation, Science Marketing Workshop and International Symposium, CUE Akademia Ekonomiczna Krakowie, Cracow, Poland.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Research Commercialisation at the University of Applied Sciences Muenster, Science Marketing Workshop and International Symposium, CUE Akademia Ekonomiczna Krakowie, Cracow, Poland.
von Hagen, Friederike (2005): Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Research Commercialisation, Science Marketing Workshop and International Symposium, CUE Akademia Ekonomiczna Krakowie, Cracow, Poland.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Science Marketing - local, regional and international experiences, German-Dutch University Days May 23rd/24th 2005 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany.
von Hagen, Friederike (2005): Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Research Commercialisation, Workshop at the Annual TII Conference, Freiburg, Switzerland.
Gosejohann, Stefanie (2005): Instruments of Science Marketing/ successful marketing measures with examples from the University of Applied Sciences Muenster, Workshop at the Annual TII Conference, Freiburg, Switzerland.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Science Marketing - Strategische Erfolgsfaktoren erfolgreicher Kooperation zwischen Großindustrie und klein- und mittelständischer Wirtschaft mit Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen, Conference "Standortfaktor Wissenschaft - Erfolgreiche Vernetzung von Bildung, Forschung und Wissenschaft durch Marketing" Akademie der Wissenschaften, 12.-13. May 2003, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Science-to-Business Marketing - bringing University Research closer to Markets, University of Pretoria, presentation for Dr Mohammed Jeena, Director of Research Commercialisation and Strategy, Pretoria, South Africa.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Science-to-Business Marketing - bringing University Research closer to Markets, University of Pretoria, presentation for Prof Roelf Sandenbergh, Dean of Faculty, Pretoria, South Africa.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Technology Sales and Commercialisation, Guest Lecture at University of Pretoria at "Technology Management", Prof Tinus Pretorius, Pretoria, South Africa.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Science- to- Business Marketing - bringing University Research closer to Markets, University of Pretoria, Prof Robin Crewe, Vice President Research, Pretoria, South Africa.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Science-to-Business Marketing as a key success factor in research commercialisation, Symposium "RFO Change on Borders (www.change-on-borders.net) of EUREGIO, Enschede, Netherlands.
Plewa, Carolin; Quester, Pascale (2004): 'Champions' and University-Industry Relationships, 12th International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing on 04.-06. December 2004 in, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike; Plewa, Carolin (2004): A Study of Research Customers: Overall Satisfaction and Recommendations for Improvements, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference on 29. November - 01. December 2004 in, Wellington, New Zealand.
Plewa, Carolin; Quester, Pascale; Baaken, Thomas (2004): Marketing Orientation in University-Industry Linkages, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 29. November - 01. December 2004 in, Wellington, New Zealand.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): The Science Marketing Approach to Working with Industry Second ProTon Europe Annual Conference 2004, University College Dublin on 21.-23. November 2004 in, Dublin, Irland.
Hagen, Friederike (2004): Forschung und Unternehmen - Science Marketing verbindet!, AFM-Marketing-Meeting 2004 at Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft on 19.-20. November 2004 in, Berlin, Germany.
Grosse, Gisela (2004): Partnerschaften: Strategien der Hochschule - Partnering und Wissenschaftsmarketing an der FH Münster, Symposium "Mogelijkheden door Opleidingsmarketing" of EUREGIO und Saxion Hogeschool, Enschede, Netherlands.
Plewa, Carolin (2004): Marketing komplexer Dienstleistungen und Produkte am Beispiel der Forschung, , Münster, Germany.
Hölscher, Volker (2004): Science Marketing F&E Schwerpunkt des Landes NRW an der Fachhochschule Münster, Meeting of IHK-Industriedezernenten and Technologiereferenten, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Plewa, Carolin (2004): Characteristics and Key Success Factors of University-Industry Linkages: a relationship perspective, 3rd Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and successful Research Commercialisation, Brussels, Belgium.
von Hagen, Friederike (2004): Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Research Commercialisation, 3rd Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and successful Research Commercialisation, Brussels, Belgium.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): New Ways of getting University Research to Market, 3rd Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and successful Research Commercialisation, Brussels, Belgium.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): The Science Marketing Approach to successful Research Commercialisation, European Commission DG Research, Isi Saragossi, Dennis Dambois, , Brussels, Belgium.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): The Science Marketing Approach to successful Research Commercialisation, European Commission DG Enterprise, , Brussels, Belgium.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): Commercial and Business Planning, Leadership Development Program at University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Plewa, Carolin (2004): Characteristics and Key Success Factors of University-Industry Linkages: a relationship perspective, 2nd Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and successful Research Commercialisation, Münster, Germany.
von Hagen, Friederike (2004): Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Research Commercialisation, 2nd Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and successful Research Commercialisation, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): New Ways of getting University Research to Markets, 2nd Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and successful Research Commercialisation, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): Successful Research Commercialisation, Adelaide Research and Innovation (ARI), Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): New ways of getting University Research to Markets, Guest Lecture at School of Commerce, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): Strategic Success Factors in Research Commercialisation, Symposium "Dilemmas, Deals and Dollars in Biotechnology" BioInnovation SA, Adelaide, Australia.
Plewa, Carolin; Quester, Pascale (2004): Modelling Successful Innovation-Oriented University-Industry Relationships, 5th International CINet Conference on 22.-25. September 2004 in, Sydney, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): The Commercial World, Commercialisation Awareness Program "Research: A Commercial Perspective" der University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Plewa, Carolin (2004): Science-to-Business Marketing, Workshop: Die erfolgreiche Vermarktung von Forschung, Fachhochschule Köln, Cologne, Germany.
Plewa, Carolin; Quester, Pascale (2004): Organisational Culture Difference and University-Industry Relationships: An exploratory study, Marketing Science Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Plewa, Carolin (2004): Science to Business Marketing, Guest Lecture Fachhochschule Münster, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): Cross Cultural Research & Development, Statements and Presentation at "Kennisinnovatief Ondernemerschap" of Saxion Hogescholen, Enschede, Netherlands.
Baaken, Thomas; Hölscher, Volker (2004): Knowledge Marketing ein Ansatz zur Vermarktung von Wissen in der künftigen Wissensgesellschaft, Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung NRW, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike (2004): New ways of getting University Research to markets, Technology and Economic Development Division der Texas A&T University (TAMU), Gary Sera, College Station Texas, , United States.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike (2004): New ways of getting University Research to markets, IC² (Innovation, Creativity & Capital), University of Texas, Austin, United States.
Baaken, Thomas; Plewa, Carolin (2004): Key Success Factors in Research Commercialization, Conference "International Association of Management of Technologies" (IAMOT 2004), 03.-07. April 2004, Washington D.C, United States.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): Should Research care about Markets?, CEO-Forum of TCG (Technology Commercialisation Group), Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): How Marketing effects Research, BioInnovation SA, Adelaide, Australia.
Plewa, Carolin (2003): Characteristics and Key Success Factors of University-Industry Linkages: A Relationship Perspective, Science Marketing: A Talkfest on Successful Research Commercialisation New and Inspiring Aspects from Australia and Europe, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): New ways of getting University Research to markets, Science Marketing: A Talkfest on Successful Research Commercialisation New and Inspiring Aspects from Australia and Europe, Adelaide, Australia.
von Hagen, Friederike (2003): Survey of Australian Research Clients, Science Marketing: A Talkfest on Successful Research Commercialisation New and Inspiring Aspects from Australia and Europe, Adelaide, Australia.
von Hagen, Friederike; Plewa, Carolin (2003): Survey of Research Clients in South Australia, Science Marketing: A Talkfest on Successful Research Commercialisation New and Inspiring Aspects from Australia and Europe, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): University Research closer to markets, Murdoch University, Prof Andris Stelbovics, Perth, Australia.
Gochermann, Josef (2003): Kunden für Forschungsdienstleister, Bedürfnisse - Erwartungen - Potentielle Kunden, Workshop "Mit Forschungskommunikation zum Erfolg", Stiftung Industrieforschung, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): Science Marketing - a new way of getting University Research to markets, University of South Australia, Prof David Corkindale, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): The Market as a Key Factor for Commercial Success, Commercialisation Awareness ProgramResearch: "A Commercial Perspective" der University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): Market Research and Marketing for New Businesses, Entrepreneurial Challenge, University of Adelaide, Hewlet Packard and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): Results and Recommendations of a comparative survey in 2 countries on Research Marketing, presentation in Adelaide Research and Innovation (ARI), Dr Steve Winslade, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): Science Marketing & Technology Transfer, Seminar & Symposium, The National Wine Centre of South Australia, 23.-26. June 2003, Adelaide, Australia.
Gochermann, Josef (2003): Science Marketing - Forschungseinrichtungen und ihre Märkte, Sondervorlesungsreihe des ZuFo Zentrum für Umweltforschung, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): Science Marketing, Konferenz der Prorektoren für Forschung und Entwicklung des Landes NRW, Aachen, Germany.
Gochermann, Josef (2003): Kooperationen von technologieorientierten KMU und FuE-Einrichtungen, Konferenz "Standortfaktor Wissenschaft - Erfolgreiche Vernetzung von Bildung, Forschung und Wissenschaft durch Marketing" Akademie der Wissenschaften, 12.-13. May 2003, Berlin, Germany.
von Hagen,Friederike (2003): Delphi by Using the Internet, presentation at School of Commerce of The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): How to deal with a customer's knowledge gap, during the seminar "Leading and Managing", Antonio Dottore, Education Centre of Innovation and Commercialisation (ECIC) of The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Baaken, Thomas (2002): Science Marketing - Lessons Learned of a four year Success Period, presentation at conference "Science, Society and the Market" der TII, 18.-19. April 2002, Turin, Italy.
Baaken, Thomas (2002): Knowledge Management, introductory presentation and moderation of workshop "Nutzen und Wirkung des KM für die BASF" at BASF Coatings AG, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas (2002): Knowledge Management in R&D, Chair of IIR Conference, 04.-05. March 2002, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
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