The State of European University-Business Cooperation
written by Todd Davey, Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken, Victoria Galan Muros, Arno Meerman (2011)
The Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre in Münster, Germany (S2BMRC) is proud to present the results of the first major study on University-Business Cooperation (UBC) in Europe. The study was a fifteen and a half month project on the cooperation between HEIs and public and private organisations in Europe. It was conducted by the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, Germany (S2BMRC) for the DG Education and Culture at the European Commission (EC) during 2010 and 2011. The study not only aims to measure the actual level of UBC (i.e. status quo) to provide a benchmark for European UBC; but also to outline potential reasons, influencing factors, drivers and barriers to UBC as well as offering recommendations for the future. The main components of the project were in-depth qualitative interviews with 10 recognised industry experts as well as a major quantitative survey. The survey was translated into 22 languages and sent to all registered European HEIs (numbering over 3,000) in 33 countries during March 2011. Through this, a final sample population of 6,280 academics and HEI representatives was achieved making the study the largest study into cooperation between HEIs and business yet completed in Europe. Further, 30 good practice UBC case studies have been created to provide positive examples of European UBC.
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Service Innovation - Project Report
written by Damian Leich, Sinan Gökduman, Thomas Baaken (2010)
The service industry, as well as the development of innovative (service) products are regarded as the engine of economic growth. This particularly applies to industrial nations like Germany. Due to a lack of natural resources, a situation of increased competition, changes in customer behavior, and a continuous technological change, the successful development and launch of innovative products in these countries is gaining importance. The research on success factors in the area of 'innovation' can look back on an established research tradition. The Münster University of Applied Sciences, the Science-to-Business Research Centre Germany and the Federal Association of Medium Enterprises (BVMW) have accepted the challenge to empirically research service-specific success factors. The study, undertaken in summer 2009, measured the innovative behavior of 114 German service-oriented companies. The first results indicated that the innovative behavior may be influenced by the fact if the company is controlled by the owner or by (external) management. Another aim of the study (in addition to the academic question) was, to formulate concrete recommendations for businesses in the service sector, on how they can improve their innovation process.
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Responsible Partnering: A Guide to Better Practices for Collaborative Research and Knowledge Transfer
between Science and Industry
Contributed to by Thomas Baaken
This Handbook describes a voluntary programme of Responsible Partnering aimed at improving the organisation,
management and overall effectiveness of joint research and strategic knowledge transfer activities involving public
research organisations and companies. The Handbook contains guidelines (not rules) intended to help senior
managers in the public and private sectors responsible for the creation, transfer and application of knowledge.
The world in which research, development and innovation take place has changed fundamentally. Today, Open
Science and Open Innovation co-exist, creating new opportunities and interdependencies. New management
practices are required to handle the situation. As the subtitles make clear, this Handbook is about achieving these
practices, realising these opportunities and making better use of the skills and knowledge that are available.
Download the report (English)
Download the report (German)
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Todd Davey Director for International Projects
+49 (0) 251 83-65596 Email |
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