The Research Centre "Science Marketing" at the University of Applied Sciences Muenster developed with its concept of Science-to-Business Marketing the first strategic approach worldwide for a successful commercialisation of research competencies, capacities and results.
The basis of this approach is the conviction that market mechanisms also work on the research market. All successful companies are working with marketing strategies. A basic principle of their success is that these companies know exactly the demand of their customers and that they adjust their research, developing and production to their customers' needs. So why do research institutions not use marketing strategies? By a consistent focusing on the customer, the third party funding of research institutions can be increased enormously.
Science-to-Business Marketing aims at a successful marketing of research competencies, capacities and results. The objective of the Research Centre "Science Marketing" is to develop, test and provide new models, instruments and proceedings for research commercialisation that enable universities to market their research more effectively.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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