Fields of expertise
Thematic focus
The Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre combines three main topics, namely:
- Marketing
- Innovation
- Entrepreneurship
More precisely, our focus topics include (but are not limited to):
- Science-to-Business Marketing
- University-Business Cooperation
- Innovation in and through University-Industry Interaction
- Entrepreneurial thinking and acting in universities (Entrepreneurial Universities)
- Innovation Management
- Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Industry sector experiences
We apply our knowledge in many different industry sectors, with some of the core sectors being:
- Engineering (e.g. electrical, electronic, machinery, plant, automation, automotive and transport engineering)
- Information Technology & Communication (incl. software & media)
- Chemical and bio industry (incl. paint and varnish)
- Packaging
- Supplier industry
- Business Process Management
- Construction industry (building materials, prefabs, roofs, windows …)
- Logistics
Methodological expertise
Strongly believing in market-oriented approaches towards any form of organisational / project management, we use (market) research to inform the later stages in the development process (market diagnostics).
The S2B combines competences on various research methods:
- Qualitative research (incl. interviews, focus groups
- Quantitative research (incl. online and paper-based surveys)
- Mixed methods approaches
Our main analysis methods include:
- Descriptive analyses (incl. frequencies)
- Multi-variate analyses (incl. regression, cluster and factor analyses)
- Structural equation modelling
- Scoring models
- Scenario Analyses (incl. Monte Carlo Simulation)
- Qualitative content analyses (using e.g. NVivo, ATLAS)
Some of the general methods we use include:
- Customer satisfaction analyses
- Market potential analyses
- Image analyses (e.g. company or product brands, employer branding)
- Marketing strategy development
- Impact / value-creation measurement
- Outcome-driven innovation
- Evaluation and identification of Key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Predictive analyses
- Research on uncertain environments / markets (e.g. disruptive change)
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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Key initiatives
The State of University-Business Cooperation
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