The Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre is a truely international with respect to its team, its events and projects.
International team
The Science-to-Business Research Centre Germany is a very international organisation, with a team consisting out of more than eight different nationalities and university as well as business partners on a national, European and global level.
International events
The S2BMRC is the organiser of the International 'Science to Business Marketing' Conferences, with 12 conferences until now in locations such as Australia, Belgium, South Africa, Japan and China. International Workshops and Presentations in the subjects of partnering, research commercialisation held throughout Europe and Australia, Asia, the US and others, totalling more than 180 presentations were given on request of interested parties from abroad.
International projects
The S2BMRC has undertaken the largest study on "The state of European University-Business Cooperation" (2011) in commission of the European Commission DG Education and Culture, which was conducted in more than 30 countries throughout Europe, in more than 20 different languages. Additionally, the S2BMRC has been involved in a number of European and regional projects relevant to this project including: Trans2Tech (FP 6): pan-European technology evaluation framework; TechTransfer processes, (Ministry for Research & Technology, Germany): Optimising the Scientific Value Chain. The S2BMRC is the co-developer with ProTon and other key European bodies of the EC'S 'Responsible Partnering Handbook' "A guide for better practices of collaborative research and knowledge transfer between Science and Industry".
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Todd Davey Director for International Projects
+49 (0) 251 83-65596 Email |
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