Journal papers
Baaken, Thomas; Rossano Rivero, Sue; von Hagen, Friederike; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno (2016): University-Business Cooperation and Entrepreneurship at Universities – An Empirical Based Comparison of Poland and Germany, 'Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne', ‘Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne’, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 3-26.
(ISSN 1506-7637 http://optimum.uwb.edu.pl)
DOI: 10.15290/ose.2015.05.77.01
Rossano Rivero, S.; Meerman, A.; Kesting, T.; Baaken, T. (2016): The Relevance of Problem-Based Learning for Policy Development in University-Business Cooperation, European Journal of Education
(ISSN print: 0141-8211 ISSN Online: 1465-3435)
DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12165
Pavlin, Samo; Kesting, Tobias; Baaken, Thomas (2016): An Integrative View on Higher Education and University-Business Cooperation in the Light of Academic Entrepreneurship, European Journal of Education, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 3-9.
(ISSN print: 0141-8211 ISSN Online: 1465-3435)
Baaken, Thomas; Kiel, Bert; Kliewe, Thorsten (2015): Bringing practice to the classroom: real world projects with companies supporting competence development in higher education, International Journal of Higher Education (IJHE)
Davey, T.; Rossano Rivero, S.; van der Sijde, P. (2015): Does context matter in academic entrepreneurship? The role of barriers and drivers in the regional and national context. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-26.
Guest Editors: Samo Pavlin, Tobias Kesting and Thomas Baaken (2015): University-Business Cooperation in Europe - Making Opportunities out of Challenges and Deriving Policy Implications. - In: European Journal of Education, Band 50, Heft 4. - ISSN 1465-3435
Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Baaken, Thomas (2015): Impact in university-business cooperation – theoretical perspectives and future directions, in: International Journal of Technology Transfer & Commercialsation (IJTTC); Vol. 13, No. 1/2, pp. 1-9.
(ISSN print: 1470-6075; ISSN online: 1741-5284)
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; van der Sijde, Peter (2014): Universities as Entrepreneurial Organizations - Introduction, Industry and Higher Education. - In: Universities as Entrepreneurial Organizations - Introduction, Industry and Higher Education, S. 219-221
Plewa, Carolin; Rampersad, Giselle; Johnson, Claire Rebecca; Baaken, Thomas; MacPherson, Greg; Korff, Nisha (2013): The Evolution of University-Industry Linkages A Framework, in: Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 30(1), pp. 21-44.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas (2013): Creating a sustainable innovation environment within large enterprises: a case study on a professional services firm, Journal of Innovation Management, 1 (1), pp. 55-84.
Plewa, Carolin; Korff, Nisha; Baaken, Thomas; MacPherson, Greg (2013): University-Industry Linkage Evolution: An Empirical Investigation of Relational Success Factors, in: R&D Management (RDM), 43(4), pp. 365-380.
Baaken, Thomas; Kliewe, Thorsten (2012): Creativity Techniques using Online Facilities - Experimental research on international creativity sessions via Internet, in: International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(1), pp. 165-172.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd (2012): Wirtschafts-Wissenschaftskooperationen an Fachhochschulen in Europa, in: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE), 7 (2), pp. 44-63.
Kesting, Tobias; Rennhak, Carsten (2011): Market Segmentation in German Business Practice - Relevance, Procedures and Challenges. In: World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 7(4), pp. 361-379.
Davey, Todd; Plewa, Carolin; Struwig, Mimie (2011): Entrepreneurship perceptions and career intentions of international students. In: Education + Training, 53(5), pp. 335-352.
González-Andrades, Miguel; Galan-Muros, Victoria; Arias-Santiago, Salvador; Carriel-Araya, Víctor; Martín-Piedra, Miguel Ángel; Alaminos-Mingorance, Miguel (2011): Students Objectives For Practical Histology In Health Sciences Curricula. Histology and Histopathology, vol 26 (1), 436.
González-Andrades, Miguel.; Galan-Muros, Victoria; Martin-Piedra, Miguel Ángel; Campos-Sanchez, Antonio; Garzón-Bello, Ingrid; Alaminos-Mingorance, Miguel (2011): Students' Theoretical Background For Practical Learning Histology.Histology and Histopathology. vol 26 (1), 437.
Dottore, Antonio G.; Baaken, Thomas; Corkindale, David (2010): A partnering business model for technology transfer: the case of the Muenster University of Applied Sciences. In: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 12(2), pp. 190-216.
Teixeira, Aurora A.C.; Davey, Todd (2010): Attitudes of higher education students to new venture creation. The relevance of competencies and contextual factors. In: Industry and Higher Education, 24(5), pp. 323-341.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Marquardt, Philipp; Baaken, Thomas (2009): Leveraging organizational resources by Creative Coupling: An evaluation of methods for intellectual asset identification. In: Journal of Knowledge Globalization (JKG), 2(2), pp. 1-23.
Plewa, Carolin; Quester, Pascale; Baaken, Thomas (2006): Organisational Culture Differences and Market Orientation: An Exploratory Study of Barriers to University-Industry Relationships. In: International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 5(6), pp. 373-389.
Plewa, Carolin; Quester, Pascale (2006): Satisfaction with University-Industry Relationships: The Impact of Commitment, Trust and Championship. In: International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 5(1/2), pp. 79-101.
Von Hagen, Friederike; Hölscher, Volker; Plewa, Carolin; Baaken, Thomas (2006): International research customer satisfaction surveys and research provider surveys. In: International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, (Eds.): Baaken Thomas / Sugasawa Yoshio; 2(2), pp. 210 - 224
Plewa, Carolin, Quester, Pascale; Baaken, Thomas (2005): Relationship Marketing and University-Industry Linkages: A conceptual framework. In: Marketing Theory, 5 (4), pp. 431-454.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): Survey of Research Cooperation Reveals Strengh - and Weaknesses. In: Australian R&D Review February 2004, pp. 12.
Conference papers
Schmidt, A.; Petzold, N.; Landinez, L. (2017): MANAGING DISRUPTIVE INNOVATIONS - UNDERSTANDING THE INTERDEPENDENCE OF FACTORS SHAPING THE PROCESS OVER TIME”, in: Proceedings: 18th International CINet Conference: Digitalization and Innovation: Designing the organization of the future, pp. 722-726
Schmidt, Alexander; Petzold, Neele; Junker, Christian (2016): "Partnering in Times of Disruptive Change" to be presented at the International Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
Rossano Rivero, S. & McLuskie, P. (2016): Soft e-leadership skills, hard learning in Europe. EAIE Conference 2016, Liverpool, England.
Rossano Rivero, S; Kesting, T. & Wakkee, I. (2016): Networking style of academics and entrepreneurial education. HTSF Conference on Technology Based Entrepreneurship, Liverpool, England.
Rossano Rivero, S; Kesting, T. & Wakkee, I. (2016): The role of networking style of academics with respect to their entrepreneurial behaviour. University-Industry Interaction (UIIN) Conference 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Davey, T.; Rossano Rivero, S.; & van der Sijde, P. (2015): Academic entrepreneurs see things differently - An analysis of barriers, drivers and incentives facing European academic entrepreneurs., University-Industry Interaction (UIIN) Conference 2015, Berlin, Germany.
Rossano Rivero, S.; Meerman, A.; Kesting, T.; Baaken, T. (2015): University-business Cooperation in Advanced Problem-Based Learning: Developing transversal skills among undergraduate students, HTSF Conference on Technology Based Entrepreneurship, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Rossano Rivero (2015): Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting Through PBL, Symposium “Next step into the future on entrepreneurship education”, Berlin, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Meerman, Arno; (2014): Academic Proceedings of the 2014 University-Industry Interaction Conference: Challenges and Solutions for Fostering Entrepreneurial Universities and Collaborative Innovation. In: Academic Proceedings of the 2014 University-Industry Interaction Conference: Challenges and Solutions for Fostering Entrepreneurial Universities and Collaborative Innovation
Rossano Rivero, S. (2014): Academic Intrapreneurship as an Antecedent for Academic Entrepreneurship, Science-to-Business Marketing Conference, Zürich, Switzerland.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2012): Exploring the Role of Dynamic Capabilities in the Process of Resource Recombination in Firms. Proceedings of the 13th International CINet Conference, "Continuous Innovation Across Boundaries", September 16-18, Rome, Italy
Linnemann, Kerstin (2011): Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination: Exploring the Determinants of Resource Recombination from a Dynamic Capability Perspective, Proceedings of the 11th CINet PhD Workshop at the 12th International CINet Conference "Continuous Innovation: Doing More with Less", 09.09.2011, Arhus, Denmark, pp. 1-15.
Kesting, Tobias; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang (2011): Industry-University Collaboration from the Point of View of Companies as Research Customers - An international Survey of textile and textile-related Industries in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, Proceedings of the 18th International Product Development Management Conference "Innovate through Design", June 6-7, 2011, Delft, The Netherlands.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2011): On the way to value-based management of university-industry relationships: the tools4partnering toolbox
Linnemann, Kerstin (2011): Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination, Proceedings of the 7th CINet Doctoral Seminar "Researching Continuous Innovation", April 4-8, 2011, Milan, Italy, pp. 1-10.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Del Barrio-García, Salvador (2011): Students’ Perceived Value of Higher Education in Spain: a methodological approach. Proceedings book of Spanish National Marketing Conference, AEMARK, Castellón, 14-16 Septembre 2011.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Garzon-Bello, Ingrid; Gonzalez-Andrades, Miguel (2011): The Modernization Agenda of European Higher Education Institutions: The professionalization of Higher Education Management. En IATED (Ed.) Proceedings Book of International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Edulearn11, Barcelona.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Del Barrio-García, Salvador and Luque-Martínez, Teodoro (2011): Strategic Marketing of Higher Education Institutions: Missions’ and Customers’ Identification. Proceeding book of European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) 2011, Ljubljana, 24-27 May.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2010): The Influence of Transparency, Communication, Market Orientation and Knowledge Transfer on Research Customer Satisfaction, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing 2010 Annual Conference, July 6-8, 2010, Coventry, England, pp. 1-6.
Kesting, Tobias; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang (2010): The Role And Significance Of Transfer Intermediaries in University Knowledge And Technology Transfer Practice, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing 2010 Annual Conference, July 6-8, 2010, Coventry, England, pp. 1-6.
Linnemann, Kerstin; Baaken, Thomas (2010): Fostering Innovation Generation through Resource Recombination - A Systematic Approach towards a Model for the Likelihood of Resource Recombination, Conference Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2010, July 6-10, 2010, Coventry, England, pp. 1-6.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010): Factors that Drive Resource Recombination: A conceptual Framework, Conference Proceedings of the IV International Forum from Science to Business, May 13-15, 2010, Saint Petersburg, Russia, pp. 260-262.
Linnemann, Kerstin (2010): Creative Coupling: Leveraging a firm`s innovation potential through interorganisational resource recombination, Proceedings of the DIME Doctoral Tutorial: Organizing for Networked Innovation, April 14-17, 2010, Milan, Italy, pp. 1-15.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Luque-Martínez, Teodoro; Del Barrio-García, Salvador (2010): The importance of management in public higher education institutions in Spain. In IATED (Ed.) Proceedings book of International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Edulearn10, Barcelona.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Del Barrio-García, Salvador; Luque-Martínez, Teodoro (2010): Are higher education decentralization and national convergence compatible? The case of Spain. In IATED (Ed.) Proceedings book of International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Edulearn10, Barcelona.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas (2009): A model for the assessment of value-adding new venture opportunities coming from university research. In: Koçak, Akin; Abimola, Temi; Özer, Alper; Watkins-Mathys, Lorraine (Eds.): Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Ankara, pp. 940-954.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas (2009): University-Industry Entrepreneurship: How universities can satisfy business partners to exploit their entrepreneurial potential. In: Koçak, Akin; Abimola, Temi; Özer, Alper; Watkins-Mathys, Lorraine (Eds.): Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Ankara, pp. 540-549.
Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Fostering New Product Development By Enhancing Interactions Between University And Industry: Outlining Key Obstacles And Presenting Managerial Implications To Overcome Them, Proceedings of the 16th International Product Development Management Conference "Managing Dualities in the Innovation Journey", June 8-9, 2009, Twente, The Netherlands, pp.1-18.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Marquardt, Philip; Baaken, Thomas (2009): Leveraging organizational resources by Creative Coupling: An evaluation of methods for intellectual asset identification, Proceedings of the Knowledge Globalization Conference 2009, April 17-19, 2009, Boston, USA, pp. 1-13.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Understanding which activities and tangible and intangible exchanges create value in innovation network, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium, April 16-17, 2009, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1-14.
Davey, Todd; Plewa, Carolin; Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Attitudes to Entrepreneurship: What do 1st Year Business Students think? Areas of focus and improvement for universities in promoting and supporting student entrepreneurship, Proceedings der 6. Internationalen Konferenz AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, February 3-6, 2009, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1267-1282.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas (2009): Creating Entrepreneurial Value Through University-Industry Interaction: How Universities Can Acquire and Satisfy Business Partners to Exploit Their Entrepreneurial Potential, Proceedings der 6. Internationalen Konferenz AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, February 3-6, 2009, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1053-1063.
Kesting, Tobias (2008): Die Wertkette als Ansatzpunkt für erfolgreichen Wissens- und Technologietransfer von Hochschulen an Forschungsnachfrager. Chancen und Herausforderungen im Hinblick auf die Übertragung von Michael E. Porters Konzept auf Hochschuleinrichtungen, Conference Proceedings der Konferenz "Austauschprozesse", October 1-2, 2008, Muenster, pp. 1-12.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): How to Analyse and Enhance Value Creation in Innovation Networks Involving University and Industry: Providing a Discussion Basis for Applying the Value Chain and Value Network Approach, Conference Proceedings der Konferenz "Austauschprozesse", October 1-2, 2008, Muenster, pp. 1-9.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): Fostering Innovation by Enhancing University-Industry Collaboration: Empirical Findings Showing How Universities Can Satisfy Their Industrial Customers to Create a Continuous Innovation Environment, Proceedings of the 9th International CINet Conference: Radical Challenges for Innovation Management, September 8-9, 2008, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1-12.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Francis, Anthony; Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): A model for the assessment and extraction of entrepreneurial value from university research. In: Ingle, Sarah; Neuvonen-Rauhala, Marja-Liisa (Eds.): Promoting Entrepreneurship by Universities, Proceedings of the 2nd International FINPIN Conference, April 20-22, 2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland, pp. 204-212.
Davey, Todd; Kliewe, Thorsten; McIntyre, Matt (2008): Fostering entrepreneurial spirit and extracting entrepreneurial value – comparing successful approaches taken by a large private organisation with that of a highly regarded University, Proceedings of the 2nd International FINPIN Conference: Promoting Entrepreneurship by Universities, 20-22 April 2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland
Kliewe, Thorsten; Marquardt, Philipp (2008): Key Decisions Affecting the Success of Commercialising Technology Innovations: Insights and Food for Thought from the Software Industry, The 5th International Conference on Innovation & Management (ICIM), 10-11 December 2008, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): Value Creation in Innovation Networks: Applying the Concept of Value Networks Analysis to University-Industry Relationships, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation: Extracting the Value Out of University-Industry Interaction, 1-2 October 2008, Muenster, Germany
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): Introducing Value Network Analysis to Research Collaboration and Commercialisation in Innovation Networks, 7th CINet PhD Workshop, 5-6 September 2008, Valencia, Spain
Köck, Matthias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Nayir, D.Z. (2008): Give me just a little smile: Cultural orientations and the use of humour in the workplace, 24th EGOS Colloquium: Upsetting Organizations, 10-12 July 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Davey, Todd; Kliewe, Thorsten; van der Sijde, Peter; McIntyre, Matt (2008): Continuous High Technology Business Incubation: Cross-sectoral comparison of approaches to high technology business incubation, Proceedings of the 21st High Technology Small Firms Conference, 22-23 May 2008, Twente, Netherlands
Baaken, Thomas; Kliewe, Thorsten; Davey, Todd (2008): How to get the most out of the networking & innovation process - the partnering approach: partner relationship management at Muenster University of Applied Sciences, Proceedings of PODIM – 28th Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Power of Networking, 27-28 March 2008, Maribor, Slovenia
Baaken, Thomas; Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): How to Find the Right Business Partner?, European Trans2Tech Conference, 6 March 2008, Aix en Provence, France
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Science Marketing - as a key factor in future technology transfer and innovation. In: AMSTAC (Ed.): Innovative Management of Technology Transfer, Beijing, China, pp. 290-304.
Plewa, Carolin (2007): The Australian Best Practices in Science Marketing. In: AMSTAC (Eds.): Innovative Management of Technology Transfer, Beijing, China, pp. 177-186.
Von Hagen, Friederike (2007): Customer Satisfaction measurement in research markets and its impact on science marketing strategies - a comparison on Germany, Australia, South Africa and Japan. In: AMSTAC (Eds.): Innovative Management of Technology Transfer, Beijing, China, pp. 238-250.
Amadi-Echendu, Joe; Pretorius, Tinus; Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike (2005): Science-to-Business Marketing - a Case Study from South Africa, Proceeding of 5th International Conference/Workshop on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation, October 25-26, 2005, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 407-416.
Funcke, Werner; Grosse, Gisela; von Lojewski, Ute; Schröder, Carsten; Leonhardt, Marie-Luise (2005): Transfer of Research and Knowledge at Muenster University of Applied Sciences, Proceeding of 5th International Conference/Workshop on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation, October 25-26, 2005, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 395-406.
Plewa, Carolin; Quester, Pascale (2005): The Effect of A University's Market Orientation On The Industry Partner 's Relationship Perception and Satisfaction, Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation, October 25-26, 2005, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 417-441.
Von Hagen, Friederike; Baaken, Thomas; Hölscher, Volker; Plewa, Carolin (2005): International Customer Satisfactory Surveys (Germany and Australia) and Research Provider Surveys (Germany and Europe), Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation, October 25-26, 2005, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 384-394.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Applying Marketing Strategies to Research - A new way of getting Research to successful Commercialisation. In: Baaken, Thomas; Amandi-Echendu, Joe (Eds.): Proceeding of 4th International Conference/Workshop on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation. October 18-19, 2005, Pretoria, South Africa.
Hölscher, Volker (2005): International Customer Satisfactory Surveys (Germany and Australia) and Research Provider Surveys (Germany and Europe).
Baaken, Thomas; Amandi-Echendu, Joe (Eds.) (2005): Proceeding of 4th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation. October 18-19, 2005, Pretoria, South Africa, pp. 1-12.
Baaken, Thomas (2004): Satisfaction Ratings by Industry Clients of German and Australian Research Providers. In: Marcure, Judy (Ed.): Marketing Scientific Results & Services - A Toolkit, Sydney, Kyoto, The Hague, Washington DC, pp. 40-50.
Baaken, Thomas; Plewa, Carolin (2004): Key Success Factors in Research Commercialization. In: Hosni, Y. A.; Smith, R.; Khalil, T. (Eds.): Proceedings of IAMOT 2004, 13th International Conference on Management of Technology, April 3-7, 2004, Washington DC, USA.
Book chapters
Baaken, T.; Davey, T.; Rossano Rivero, S. (2016): Marketing — Making a Difference for Entrepreneurial Universities. In Making a Difference Through Marketing (pp. 247-265). Springer Singapore.
Baaken, T., Kiel, B., Rossano Rivero, S.; Baaken, M.; Maas, G. (2016): Competencies in Entrepreneurship: Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education from a New Angle in "Handbook of Research on Social Entrepreneurship and Solidarity Economics"
Baaken, T.; Rossano Rivero, S. (2016): Academic Entrepreneurship: A science-to-Business Marketing Perspective. In: La transferencia de conocimiento y tecnología en un contexto internacional: Experiencias del Programa Intensivo de Gestores en Transferencia Internacional (GeTIn) [Knowledge- and Technology Transfer in an international context: experiences from GeTIn] Mexico City: UAEH. 2016.
Baaken, T.; Rossano Rivero, S. (2016): Entrepreneurship in Latin America: A closer look to alternative approaches to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in the region. In: Entrepreneurship in Latin America, pp.13-21. buchdruck.de, Berlin
Rossano Rivero, S.; Baaken, T.; Badillo-Vega, R. (2015): Issues in Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Latin America. In: Change to Success: Case Studies of Latin American Universities on Solutions for Promoting Innovation in Knowledge and Technology Transfer, pp.
Galán-Muros, V.; Sanchez-Contreras, A., Badillo-Vega, R., Raesfeld, L.; Baaken, T.; Villareal, M., Hidalgo-Sánchez, S. (2015): UniTransfer Executive Training Course 2013-2014. Executive Report. - In: Rosalba Badillo-Vega, Victoria Galán-Muros, Lydia Raesfeld, Thomas Baaken, Sue Rossano-Rivero, Milton Villarreal-Castro (Hrsg.). Münster: Waxmann, 2015, S. 34-49
Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Korff, Nisha; Serbin, David (2014): Organisational Marketing - Making Use of Linkages and Transfer Potential between Marketing Disciplines. In: Kliewe, Thorsten; Kesting Tobias (Eds.) (2014): Moderne Konzepte des organisationalen Marketing. Modern Concepts of Organisational Marketing, Festschrift on the occasion of Prof.
Dr. Thomas Baaken's 60th birthday, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp. 3-21.
Kesting, Tobias; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang (2014): Direkte und weiterführende Nutzenpotenziale eines marktorientierten Hochschul-Wissens- und Technologietransfers. In: Kliewe, Thorsten; Kesting Tobias (Eds.) (2014): Moderne Konzepte des organisationalen Marketing. Modern Concepts of Organisational Marketing, Festschrift on the occasion of Prof.
Dr. Thomas Baaken's 60th birthday, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp. 177-197.
Davey, Todd; Plewa, Carolin; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2014): University-Business Cooperation Outcomes and Impacts – A European Perspective, In Kliewe T., Kesting, T., (2014), Moderne Konzepte des organisationalen Marketing / Modern Concepts of Organisational Marketing, Springer Gabler.
Rotermund, U.; Kurzhals, K. (2014): Innovationskraft durch Dynamic Capabilities und Vertrauenskultur, in: Insurance & Innovation, ed. by Eckstein, A., Liebetrau, A., Seidel, M., Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft GmbH, Karlsruhe.
Baaken, Thomas; Galan Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; von Hagen, Frederike; (2014): A Comparison of the State of University Business Cooperation in Germany and Poland. In: Baaken, Thomas; Teczke, Janusz (Eds.)(2014): Managing Disruption and Destabilisation, pp. 261-280.
Davey, Todd; Plewa, Carolin; Galan-Muros, Victoria; (2014): University-Business Cooperation outcomes and impacts - A European Perspective. In: Modern concepts of Organisational Marketing. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden
Baaken, Thomas (2013): Science-to-Business Marketing, in: Hofbauer, G.; Pattloch, A.; Stumpf, M. (Hrsg.): Marketing in Forschung und Praxis, Berlin 2013, S. 869-894.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Deoyeh Leonardi, Jean-Manuel (2012): Viral-Marketing in der B-to-B-Kommunikation. In: Baaken, T., Kesting, T., Pörner, R., Kliewe, T. (Eds.), Business-to-Business-Kommunikation: Neue Entwicklungen im B2B-Marketing. Erich Schmidt Verlag: Berlin, pp. 347-362.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Baaken, Thomas; Kesting, Tobias (2012): Introducing a Science-to-Business Marketing Unit to University Knowledge and Technology Transfer Structures: Activities, Benefits, Success Factors. In: Szopa, Anna; Karwowski, Waldemar; Ordóñez de Pablos, Patricia (Eds.): Academic Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation: A Business Management Perspective, Hershey, pp. 53-74.
Schröder, Carsten; Baaken, Thomas; Korff, Nisha (2012): The Triangle for Innovation in Knowledge Transfer and Partnering at Münster University of Applied Sciences. - In: Gorzka, Gabriele (Ed): Knowledge Transfer - The New Core Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions. Practice and Perspectives in Russia and Germany. Kassel: Kassel University Press, S. 61-78
Kesting, Tobias (2012): Kommunikationsaspekte hybrider Wertschöpfung auf Business-to-Business-Märkten am Beispiel des Performance Contracting. In: Baaken, Thomas; Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Pörner, Ronald (Eds.): Business-to-Business-Kommunikation. Neue Entwicklungen im B-to-B-Marketing, 2., völlig neu bearbeitete und wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 363-380.
Sohn, Stefanie; Kesting, Tobias; Paslick, Anne (2012): Die Relevanz emotionaler Aspekte in der B-to-B-Kommunikation am Beispiel einer Konferenz. In: Baaken, Thomas; Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Pörner, Ronald (Eds.): Business-to-Business-Kommunikation. Neue Entwicklungen im B-to-B-Marketing, 2., völlig neu bearbeitete und wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 323-345.
Kesting, Tobias; Rennhak, Carsten (2012): Kundenverständnis durch Marktsegmentierung. In: Rennhak, Carsten (Ed.): Aktuelle Instrumente der Marketingpraxis. Relationship Marketing, Social Media im Kundenservice, Cross Selling, Ingredient Branding, Corporate Identity, Ibidem, Stuttgart, pp. 17-42.
Baaken, Thomas; Korff, Nisha; Zech, Thorsten (2012): Emotionen im B-to-B Marketing. - In: Baaken, Thomas; Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Pörner, Ronald (Hrsg.): Business-to-Business-Kommunikation. Neue Entwicklungen im B-to-B-Marketing. Berlin : Erich Schmidt, 2012, S. 303-321
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike; Raesfeld, Lydia; Pontigo Loyoal, América Patricia (2011): Identifying University Customers and Partners via Science Marketing - a report on a real life case of UAEH in Mexico; in: Badillo Vega, Rosalba; Raesfeld, Lydia; Villalvazo Naranjo, Juan; Baaken, Thomas (Ed.), La vinculación de las instituciones de educación superior con su entorno económico en el contexto internacional Alemania, Centroamérica y México, Pachuca, Mex.; pp. 188-207.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): "Technologiemarketing" und "Science Marketing" in Sommerlatte, Tom; Braun, Michael; Achatz, Reinhold (Eds.): Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement, Symposion Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 319-320, 358.
Baaken, Thomas (2011): Science-to-Business Marketing - ein innovativer Ansatz im Wissenstransfer. In: Krahn, Britta; Rietz, Christian; Simoleit, Wilma (Eds.): Sammelband Forschung. Forschungsförderung: Gratwanderung zwischen Ideenschmiede und Bürokratie? Technologietransfer: Ideen Perspektiven geben, Schriftenreihe "Hochschulen im Fokus" 1/2011, Bonn, pp. 149-158.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Del Barrio-García, Salvador; Luque-Martínez, Teodoro. (2011): An Overview of the Concept of Marketing Orientation in the Higher Education Sector. In Domanski, T. (Ed.) Academic Marketing: the roles of Universities in the Development of Cities and Regions. Lodz University Press.
Baaken, Thomas (2010): Science-to-Business Marketing als Auslöser und Treiber für Innovationen. In: Baaken, Thomas; Höft, Uwe; Kesting, Tobias (Eds.): Marketing für Innovationen. Wie innovative Unternehmen die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden erfüllen, Lichtenberg (Odw.), pp. 3-12.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Marquardt, Philipp; Kesting, Tobias (2010): Marketing in der Beratungsbranche: Ausgewählte Instrumente zur Vermarktung einer innovativen Dienstleistung. In: Baaken, Thomas/Höft, Uwe/Kesting, Tobias (Eds.): Marketing für Innovationen. Wie innovative Unternehmen die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden erfüllen, Lichtenberg (Odw.), pp. 251-276.
Rösmann, Stefanie; Baaken, Thomas (2010): Ansatzpunkte und Nutzen einer Marke bei Innovationen. In: Baaken, Thomas; Höft, Uwe; Kesting, Tobias (Eds.): Marketing für Innovationen. Wie innovative Unternehmen die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden erfüllen, Lichtenberg (Odw.), pp. 299-312.
Baaken, Thomas (2009): Science-to-Business-Marketing und Partnering als konsequente Weiterentwicklung des Technologietransfers. In: Merten, Wolfgang (Ed.), Wissenschaftsmarketing - Dialoge gestalten, Bonn, pp. 41-53.
Baaken, Thomas; Kesting, Tobias (2009): Wertkettenkonzepte im Science-to-Business Marketing. In: Voss, Rödiger (Ed.): Hochschulmarketing. 2., völlig überarbeitete Auflage, Lohmar und Köln, pp. 181-200.
Baaken, Thomas (2007): Science Marketing - ein innovativer Ansatz zur Weiterentwicklung des Technologietransfers und zur erfolgreichen Drittmitteleinwerbung. In: TTN TechnologieTransferNetzwerk Hessen (Ed.): Zukunftsszenarien des Wissens- und Technologietransfers zwischen Hochschulen und Wirtschaft, Bonn, pp. 60-74.
Kesting, Tobias; Rennhak, Carsten; Schütz, Tobias (2006): Marktsegmentierung als Voraussetzung für Kundenverständnis. In: Rennhak, Carsten (Ed.): Herausforderung Kundenbindung, Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp. 53-78.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): Science Marketing. In: Kamenz, Uwe (Ed.): Applied Marketing. Anwendungsorientierte Marketingwissenschaft der Deutschen Fachhochschulen, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp. 1051-1066.
Baaken, Thomas (2003): Strategien und Instrumente im Forschungsmarketing. In: Mager, Birgit; Hamacher, Henderika (Eds.): Marketing und Kommunikation von Forschung, Cologne, pp. 76-81.
Gochermann, Josef; von Hagen, Friederike (2003): Forscher als Dienstleister. In: Mager, Birgit; Hamacher, Henderika (Eds.): Marketing und Kommunikation von Forschung, Cologne, pp. 62-74.
Baaken, Thomas; Pimlott, Joanne (2002): Science Marketing via the Internet. In: Mager, Birgit (Ed.): Forschungskommunikation und Design/Research Communication and Design (in deutscher und in englischer Sprache), Cologne, pp. 15-19.
Baaken, Thomas; Teczke, Janusz: (2002): Managing Disruptive Change by Partnering. - In: Baaken, T.; Teczke, J.(eds): Managing Disruption and Destabilisation. Cracow, 2014, S. 129-142
Magazine articles
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): Un Sistema Educativo para la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Ateneo del Nuevo Siglo. vol. 14, 75-81. Ed. Ateneo de Málaga.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): La Adaptación de los Métodos de Enseñanza al Plan Bolonia. Extoikos, vol 4,109-111 Ed. Instituto Econosperides.
Baaken, Thomas, Kesting, Tobias (2008): Science-to-Business Marketing: Besonderheiten eines Marketing für Forschung. In: USP - Menschen im Marketing, Ausgabe 2-2008, pp. 20-21.
Kesting, Tobias; Rennhak, Carsten (2005): Marktsegmentierung in deutschen Unternehmen. - In: Research & Results, Band 7-2005, Heft 7 2005, pp. 38-39.
Baaken, Thomas (2005): Marketing durch Vertrauen. - In: Wirtschaftsspiegel, Heft Juni, S. 22f.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Technology Assessment Handbook, Muenster.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe Deputy Managing Director & Research Director of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre
Professor in Innovation Management and Business Development at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65640 Email |
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