Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe Deputy Managing Director & Research Director of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre
Professor in Innovation Management and Business Development at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65640
Short bio
Thorsten has been involved in university-industry innovation for more than 5 years. Affiliated with the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre at Münster University of Applied Sciences in Germany, he researches, lectures and conducts industry projects at the intersection of innovation, entrepreneurship and marketing.
Thorsten is Co-founder and Chairman of the University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN, www.uiin.org), a spin-off organisation of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre. In addition, he is the Chair of the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU).
His prior work experience includes Deloitte Australia's Innovation Acceleration Team, the Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management (INGENIO) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain, the Centre of Marketing Management at Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland as well as the eArchitecture Lab at Constance University of Applied Sciences in Germany.
Connecting IT, market-oriented thinking and acting as well as entrepreneurship, Thorsten is passionate about developing new ways to improve relationships between academia and business.
Thorsten frequently serves on international committees / boards (e.g. InnovationKT 2013, ICIMTR 2012, ICKM 2009-2011), frequently reviews papers for international journals (e.g. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Journal of Knowledge Globalization). He is also the Co-Chair of the 2013 University-Industry Interaction Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Amongst other awards and recognitions, Thorsten has won the TAKE IT UP Best Pitching Award 2010 (Brussels, Belgium) and the Best Paper Runner Up @ Sprott Doctoral Symposium 2009 (Ottawa, Canada).
Thorsten has a proven track record in acquiring third-party money with more than 750.000€ being acquired in the last 5 years (as leading proposal manager only). His research interests include university-industry relationships, collaborative innovation, knowledge and technology commercialisation, partnership and network management, entrepreneurial thinking and acting in universities, B2B marketing (in general: topics related to and especially combining innovation, entrepreneurship and marketing / market research).
Forthcoming publications (1)
Kliewe, Thorsten; Plewa, Carolin; Davey, Todd; Kesting, Tobias (2015): University-Business Cooperation: Individuals and organisations at the interface, International Journal of Technology Management (Type: Journal special issue)
Publications (39)
Journal special issues (1)
Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Baaken, Thomas (2015): Guest Editors: Impact in University-Business Cooperation, International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, , Vol. 13, No. 1/2.
(ISSN print: 1470-6075; ISSN online: 1741-5284)
Books (2)
Kliewe, Thorsten; Kesting, Tobias (2014): Moderne Konzepte des organisationalen Marketing / Modern Concepts of Organisational Marketing, Springer-Gabler: Wiesbaden
Baaken, Thomas; Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Pörner, Ronald (eds.) (2012): Business-to-Business Communication / new developments in B-to-B-Marketing (Original title "Business-to-Business Kommunikation: Neue Entwicklungen im B-to-B-Marketing"), 2nd Edition, Erich Schmidt Verlag: Berlin
Editor of conference proceedings (3)
Kliewe, Thorsten; Meerman, Arno; Baaken, Thomas (eds.) (2013): University-Industry Interaction: Challenges and solutions for fostering entrepreneurial universities and collaborative innovation
Baaken, Thomas; Meerman, Arno; Neuvonen-Rauhala, Marja-Liisa; Davey, Todd; Lähdeniemi, Matti; Ahonen, Timo; Kliewe, Thorsten (eds.) (2013): Entrepreneurial Universities: Conference Proceedings, Volume I
Baaken, Thomas; Meerman, Arno; Kliewe, Thorsten; Neuvonen-Rauhala, Marja-Liisa; Davey, Todd; Lähdeniemi, Matti; Ahonen, Timo (eds.) (2013): Entrepreneurial Universities: Conference Proceedings, Volume II
Journal papers (5)
Baaken, Thomas; Kiel, Bert; Kliewe, Thorsten (2015): Bringing practice to the classroom: real world projects with companies supporting competence development in higher education, International Journal of Higher Education (IJHE)
Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Baaken, Thomas (2015): Impact in university-business cooperation – theoretical perspectives and future directions, in: International Journal of Technology Transfer & Commercialsation (IJTTC); Vol. 13, No. 1/2, pp. 1-9.
(ISSN print: 1470-6075; ISSN online: 1741-5284)
Kliewe, Thorsten; Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas (2013): Creating a sustainable innovation environment within large enterprises: a case study on a professional services firm, Journal of Innovation Management, 1 (1), pp. 55-84.
Baaken, Thomas; Kliewe, Thorsten (2012): Creativity Techniques using Online Facilities - Experimental research on international creativity sessions via Internet, in: International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(1), pp. 165-172.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Marquardt, Philipp; Baaken, Thomas (2009): Leveraging organizational resources by Creative Coupling: An evaluation of methods for intellectual asset identification. In: Journal of Knowledge Globalization (JKG), 2(2), pp. 1-23.
Book chapters (4)
Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Korff, Nisha; Serbin, David (2014): Organisational Marketing - Making Use of Linkages and Transfer Potential between Marketing Disciplines. In: Kliewe, Thorsten; Kesting Tobias (Eds.) (2014): Moderne Konzepte des organisationalen Marketing. Modern Concepts of Organisational Marketing, Festschrift on the occasion of Prof.
Dr. Thomas Baaken's 60th birthday, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp. 3-21.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Deoyeh Leonardi, Jean-Manuel (2012): Viral-Marketing in der B-to-B-Kommunikation. In: Baaken, T., Kesting, T., Pörner, R., Kliewe, T. (Eds.), Business-to-Business-Kommunikation: Neue Entwicklungen im B2B-Marketing. Erich Schmidt Verlag: Berlin, pp. 347-362.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Baaken, Thomas; Kesting, Tobias (2012): Introducing a Science-to-Business Marketing Unit to University Knowledge and Technology Transfer Structures: Activities, Benefits, Success Factors. In: Szopa, Anna; Karwowski, Waldemar; Ordóñez de Pablos, Patricia (Eds.): Academic Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation: A Business Management Perspective, Hershey, pp. 53-74.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Marquardt, Philipp; Kesting, Tobias (2010): Marketing in der Beratungsbranche: Ausgewählte Instrumente zur Vermarktung einer innovativen Dienstleistung. In: Baaken, Thomas/Höft, Uwe/Kesting, Tobias (Eds.): Marketing für Innovationen. Wie innovative Unternehmen die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden erfüllen, Lichtenberg (Odw.), pp. 251-276.
Conference papers (21)
Kliewe, Thorsten; Meerman, Arno; (2014): Academic Proceedings of the 2014 University-Industry Interaction Conference: Challenges and Solutions for Fostering Entrepreneurial Universities and Collaborative Innovation. In: Academic Proceedings of the 2014 University-Industry Interaction Conference: Challenges and Solutions for Fostering Entrepreneurial Universities and Collaborative Innovation
Kliewe, Thorsten (2011): On the way to value-based management of university-industry relationships: the tools4partnering toolbox
Kliewe, Thorsten (2010): The Influence of Transparency, Communication, Market Orientation and Knowledge Transfer on Research Customer Satisfaction, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing 2010 Annual Conference, July 6-8, 2010, Coventry, England, pp. 1-6.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas (2009): A model for the assessment of value-adding new venture opportunities coming from university research. In: Koçak, Akin; Abimola, Temi; Özer, Alper; Watkins-Mathys, Lorraine (Eds.): Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Ankara, pp. 940-954.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas (2009): University-Industry Entrepreneurship: How universities can satisfy business partners to exploit their entrepreneurial potential. In: Koçak, Akin; Abimola, Temi; Özer, Alper; Watkins-Mathys, Lorraine (Eds.): Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Ankara, pp. 540-549.
Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Fostering New Product Development By Enhancing Interactions Between University And Industry: Outlining Key Obstacles And Presenting Managerial Implications To Overcome Them, Proceedings of the 16th International Product Development Management Conference "Managing Dualities in the Innovation Journey", June 8-9, 2009, Twente, The Netherlands, pp.1-18.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Marquardt, Philip; Baaken, Thomas (2009): Leveraging organizational resources by Creative Coupling: An evaluation of methods for intellectual asset identification, Proceedings of the Knowledge Globalization Conference 2009, April 17-19, 2009, Boston, USA, pp. 1-13.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Understanding which activities and tangible and intangible exchanges create value in innovation network, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium, April 16-17, 2009, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1-14.
Davey, Todd; Plewa, Carolin; Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Attitudes to Entrepreneurship: What do 1st Year Business Students think? Areas of focus and improvement for universities in promoting and supporting student entrepreneurship, Proceedings der 6. Internationalen Konferenz AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, February 3-6, 2009, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1267-1282.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas (2009): Creating Entrepreneurial Value Through University-Industry Interaction: How Universities Can Acquire and Satisfy Business Partners to Exploit Their Entrepreneurial Potential, Proceedings der 6. Internationalen Konferenz AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, February 3-6, 2009, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1053-1063.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): How to Analyse and Enhance Value Creation in Innovation Networks Involving University and Industry: Providing a Discussion Basis for Applying the Value Chain and Value Network Approach, Conference Proceedings der Konferenz "Austauschprozesse", October 1-2, 2008, Muenster, pp. 1-9.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): Fostering Innovation by Enhancing University-Industry Collaboration: Empirical Findings Showing How Universities Can Satisfy Their Industrial Customers to Create a Continuous Innovation Environment, Proceedings of the 9th International CINet Conference: Radical Challenges for Innovation Management, September 8-9, 2008, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1-12.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Francis, Anthony; Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): A model for the assessment and extraction of entrepreneurial value from university research. In: Ingle, Sarah; Neuvonen-Rauhala, Marja-Liisa (Eds.): Promoting Entrepreneurship by Universities, Proceedings of the 2nd International FINPIN Conference, April 20-22, 2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland, pp. 204-212.
Davey, Todd; Kliewe, Thorsten; McIntyre, Matt (2008): Fostering entrepreneurial spirit and extracting entrepreneurial value – comparing successful approaches taken by a large private organisation with that of a highly regarded University, Proceedings of the 2nd International FINPIN Conference: Promoting Entrepreneurship by Universities, 20-22 April 2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland
Kliewe, Thorsten; Marquardt, Philipp (2008): Key Decisions Affecting the Success of Commercialising Technology Innovations: Insights and Food for Thought from the Software Industry, The 5th International Conference on Innovation & Management (ICIM), 10-11 December 2008, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): Value Creation in Innovation Networks: Applying the Concept of Value Networks Analysis to University-Industry Relationships, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation: Extracting the Value Out of University-Industry Interaction, 1-2 October 2008, Muenster, Germany
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): Introducing Value Network Analysis to Research Collaboration and Commercialisation in Innovation Networks, 7th CINet PhD Workshop, 5-6 September 2008, Valencia, Spain
Köck, Matthias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Nayir, D.Z. (2008): Give me just a little smile: Cultural orientations and the use of humour in the workplace, 24th EGOS Colloquium: Upsetting Organizations, 10-12 July 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Davey, Todd; Kliewe, Thorsten; van der Sijde, Peter; McIntyre, Matt (2008): Continuous High Technology Business Incubation: Cross-sectoral comparison of approaches to high technology business incubation, Proceedings of the 21st High Technology Small Firms Conference, 22-23 May 2008, Twente, Netherlands
Baaken, Thomas; Kliewe, Thorsten; Davey, Todd (2008): How to get the most out of the networking & innovation process - the partnering approach: partner relationship management at Muenster University of Applied Sciences, Proceedings of PODIM – 28th Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Power of Networking, 27-28 March 2008, Maribor, Slovenia
Baaken, Thomas; Kliewe, Thorsten (2008): How to Find the Right Business Partner?, European Trans2Tech Conference, 6 March 2008, Aix en Provence, France
Reports (2)
Multhaup, Roland (eds.); Kliewe, Thorsten (contributor) (2009): Meinungsbild der Schülerinnen und Schüler in Nordrhein-Westfalen zur Einführung von Schulkleidung
Arlinghaus, Olaf; Bartsch, Jürgen (eds.); Kliewe, Thorsten (contributor) (2007): RFID – The technology of the next century? In the series: International Management Reports
Handbooks (1)
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Kliewe, Thorsten (2009): Technology Assessment Handbook, Muenster.
Presentations (24)
Kliewe, Thorsten (2014):
Evidence-based creativity & communication for successful innovation and business development, ECREA Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2013):
Bringing Technology to the Market – Who is in control?, Discussion panel on " Processes of innovation decision making: Technology push vs market pull" at Forum From Science to Business, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2013):
University-Industry Interaction: Future Directions, 2013 University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2013):
The Way Forward: Future directions for advancing science-business relationships, Forum From Science to Business, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2012):
Resources used by academics and practitioners in knowledge and technology transfer: empirical findings and introduction of the largest free resource database on university-industry, presentation at the 11th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation on "Entrepreneurial Universities", Muenster, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2012):
Value Creation in University-Industry Relationships, presentation at Zürich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2011):
Business Models in University Technology Transfer: Using Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas For Better Management of Partnering and IP Exploitation, presentation at T2S Technology Transfer Conference 2011 "Technology Transfer in a Global Economy" (22.-23.09.2011), Augsburg, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2011):
The Knowledge Transfer Professional's Toolkit: A workshop dedicated to practical instruments to create successful knowledge transfer, Workshop auf der Innovation KT2011 Conference "Challenges for Knowledge Transfer: A Time of Change" (07.07.2011), Sheffield, UK.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2011):
How to assess R&D projects, presentation at the workshop "Developing University-Industry Partnerships to Strengthen Innovative Economies" for the conference "Forum from Science to Business and 10th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation", St. Petersburg, Russia.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2010):
The Influence of Transparency, Communication, Market Orientation and Knowledge Transfer on Research Customer Satisfaction, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2010, 6.-8. July 2010, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2010):
Create The Future As You Want It - Executive Innovation Workshop for Club Sponsors, Workshop at Adelaide Football Club, Adelaide, Australia.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2010):
Create The Future As You Want It - Staff Innovation Workshop for Club Sponsors, Workshop at Adelaide Football Club, Adelaide, Australia.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Linnemann, Kerstin (2009):
The Power of University-Industry Relationships: Fostering Collaborative Innovation by Using Science-to-Business Marketing, Workshop at 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Hong Kong, China.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009):
Looking Beyond the Border: An Insight into the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre at Münster University of Applied Sciences in Germany, presentation at Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Management at Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009):
Bewertung der Vermarktungsfähigkeit einer Technologie, presentation in cooperation with Technologiestiftung Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin und TUServicegesellschaft, Berlin, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009):
Universities and Their Role in Creating Innovation Through the Combination of Existing Intellectual Assets, presentation at symposium to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the cooperation between Münster University of Applied Sciences and Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, Poland.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009):
Leveraging organizational resources by Creative Coupling: An evaluation-of methods for intellectual asset identification, presentation at KnowledgeGlobalization Conference, Boston, United States.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009):
Understanding Which Activities and Tangible and Intangible Exchanges Create Value in Innovation Network, presentation at 6th Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2009):
University-Industry Entrepreneurship: How universities can satisfybusiness partners to exploit their entrepreneurial potential, presentation at the International Conference on Market, Marketing & Entrepreneurship: Creating & Capturing Value in 21st Century, Antalya, Turkey.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008):
How to Analyse and Enhance Value Creation in Innovation Networks Involving University and Industry: Providing a Discussion Basis for Applying the Value Chain and Value Network Approach, presentation at the 8th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation: Extracting the Value out of University-Industry Interaction, Münster, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008):
How to Analyse and Enhance Value Creation in Innovation Networks Involving University and Industry: Providing a Discussion Basis for Applying the Value Chain and Value Network Approach, presentation at the 8th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation: Extracting the Value out of University-Industry Interaction, Münster, Germany.
Kliewe, Thorsten (2008):
Fostering Innovation by Enhancing University-Industry Collaboration: Empirical Findings Showing How Universities Can Satisfy Their Industrial Customers to Create a Continuous Innovation Environment, presentation at the 9th International CINet Conference: Radical Challenges for Innovation Management, Valencia, Spain.
Baaken, Thomas; Kliewe, Thorsten (2008):
Forschungsmarketing durch und über Ausgründungen?, presentation at forum "Marketing und Vertrieb" at Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Kliewe, Thorsten (2008):
Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit and Extracting Entrepreneurial Value - Comparing Successful Approaches Taken by a Large Private Organisation with that of a Highly Regarded University, presentation at the conference "Promoting Entrepreneurship by Universities", Hämeenlinna, Finland.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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