Academic projects
This page is currently being updated. Soon you will find here information on our current projects:
- WISE: Women Entrepreneurs in STEM
- Product-service systems in the Muensterland
- Le@d 3.0
- Advanced education on transfer 3.0
WISE: Women Entrepreneurs in STEM (09/2017 till 08/2019)
Erasmus + Programme of the European Union
The WISE project has a clear aim: increase the number of female entrepreneurs working in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) as a result of improved access to and quality of support from the entrepreneurship education ecosystem. As a strategic partnership project for vocational education and training, the project has a strong and cross representational consortium involving 6 partners from 4 countries, including Norway, Ireland, UK and Germany.
The WISE project will introduce a new collaborative approach with two highly innovative features: an effective learning and apprenticeship style placement framework and a multiactor participation for strong and sustainable change. This draws on the best practice of work-based learning and marks a radically new path in VET development.
The State of European University-Business Cooperation (01/2016 till 10/2017)
Tender, European Commission
A consortium led by the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre from the Münster University of Applied Sciences, Germany has been contracted by the DG Education & Culture at the European Commission to conduct a Europe-wide study on cooperation between universities and business. From 2016, the consortium will undertake two major quantitative studies to understand UBC from the perspective of both Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as well as business, together with the production of 50 good practice UBC case studies and European policy recommendations. The project is a follow-up project from an earlier tender which was also executed by the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre in 2010-2011. This study was the largest study ever undertaken on the topic of UBC in Europe. In contrast to the previous study, the current tender will also take the business perspective into account and will have a larger focus on indicators.
E-Learning for Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting (08/2014 till 7/2016)
Funded by Wandelwerk (a Münster University of Applied Sciences internal fund)
The project aims to develop an e-learning offer for entrepreneurial thinking and acting for Münster University of Applied Sciences. Starting with an analysis of the needs and wants of the different stakeholders, a learning process will be designed and respective learning material will be created (including 10 to 12 videos). The course will be offered as a non-credit point offer for the business department first, with the plan to expand it later to the entire university and to attach credit points.
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe Deputy Managing Director & Research Director of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre
Professor in Innovation Management and Business Development at Münster University of Applied Sciences |
CIAKL: Cinema and Industry Alliance for Knowledge and Learning (10/2013 till 9/2015)
Funded by the European Commission: Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances (540572-LLP-1-2013-1-PT-ERASMUS-EKA)
The main objective of the CIAKL project is the creation, organisation and dissemination of a transversal subject and Post-Graduation curricula, focusing the lack and needs in creative industries sector to the entrepreneurial mind-set, upgrading the skills and teaching methods of higher education teachers in these areas, but also their ability to promote and nourish new business ventures in the realm of the “creative industries”. It provides experience in implementing entrepreneurship and innovative courses in different industry sectors and countries.
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kliewe Deputy Managing Director & Research Director of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre
Professor in Innovation Management and Business Development at Münster University of Applied Sciences |
Study on the cooperation between Higher Education Institutions and public / private organisations
Download project poster |
Optimierung der wissenschaftlichen Wertschöpfungskette durch einen nachfrageorientierten Wissens- und Technologietransfer
Download project poster |
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For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Todd Davey Director for International Projects
+49 (0) 251 83-65596 Email |
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