Arno Meerman, BA
Short bio
Arno Meerman is the business development manager at the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre at Münster University of Applied Sciences in Germany. Besides project acquisition and strategic development, he conducts research on entrepreneurship, innovation and university-business collaboration.
He is the co-author of “The State of European University-Business Cooperation”, a 33 countries covering report commissioned for the European Commission, which has resulted in 14 further country specific publications.
Arno is also the co-founder and CEO of the University Industry Innovation Network B.V., a leading European network that facilitates interaction and stimulates cooperation between higher educational institutions and industry.
Publications (26)
Journal special issues (1)
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; van der Sijde, Peter (2015): Approaching Universities as Entrepreneurial Organisations. Industry & Higher Education, August
Editor of conference proceedings (3)
Kliewe, Thorsten; Meerman, Arno; Baaken, Thomas (eds.) (2013): University-Industry Interaction: Challenges and solutions for fostering entrepreneurial universities and collaborative innovation
Baaken, Thomas; Meerman, Arno; Neuvonen-Rauhala, Marja-Liisa; Davey, Todd; Lähdeniemi, Matti; Ahonen, Timo; Kliewe, Thorsten (eds.) (2013): Entrepreneurial Universities: Conference Proceedings, Volume I
Baaken, Thomas; Meerman, Arno; Kliewe, Thorsten; Neuvonen-Rauhala, Marja-Liisa; Davey, Todd; Lähdeniemi, Matti; Ahonen, Timo (eds.) (2013): Entrepreneurial Universities: Conference Proceedings, Volume II
Journal papers (3)
Baaken, Thomas; Rossano Rivero, Sue; von Hagen, Friederike; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno (2016): University-Business Cooperation and Entrepreneurship at Universities – An Empirical Based Comparison of Poland and Germany, 'Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne', ‘Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne’, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 3-26.
(ISSN 1506-7637 http://optimum.uwb.edu.pl)
DOI: 10.15290/ose.2015.05.77.01
Rossano Rivero, S.; Meerman, A.; Kesting, T.; Baaken, T. (2016): The Relevance of Problem-Based Learning for Policy Development in University-Business Cooperation, European Journal of Education
(ISSN print: 0141-8211 ISSN Online: 1465-3435)
DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12165
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; van der Sijde, Peter (2014): Universities as Entrepreneurial Organizations - Introduction, Industry and Higher Education. - In: Universities as Entrepreneurial Organizations - Introduction, Industry and Higher Education, S. 219-221
Book chapters (1)
Baaken, Thomas; Galan Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; von Hagen, Frederike; (2014): A Comparison of the State of University Business Cooperation in Germany and Poland. In: Baaken, Thomas; Teczke, Janusz (Eds.)(2014): Managing Disruption and Destabilisation, pp. 261-280.
Conference papers (2)
Rossano Rivero, S.; Meerman, A.; Kesting, T.; Baaken, T. (2015): University-business Cooperation in Advanced Problem-Based Learning: Developing transversal skills among undergraduate students, HTSF Conference on Technology Based Entrepreneurship, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Kliewe, Thorsten; Meerman, Arno; (2014): Academic Proceedings of the 2014 University-Industry Interaction Conference: Challenges and Solutions for Fostering Entrepreneurial Universities and Collaborative Innovation. In: Academic Proceedings of the 2014 University-Industry Interaction Conference: Challenges and Solutions for Fostering Entrepreneurial Universities and Collaborative Innovation
Reports (16)
Galán-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; Rossano Rivero, Sue; Silva, Pedro (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Portugal. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-01-0
Davey, Todd; Altmann, Andreas; Ebersberger, Bernd; Meerman, Arno; Galán-Muros, Victoria (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Austria. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-04-1
Meerman, Arno; Davey, Todd; De Cleyn, Sven; Galán-Muros, Victoria (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Belgium. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-05-8
Meerman, Arno; Davey, Todd; Soraci, Alberto; Taylor, Steven; Galán-Muros, Victoria (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Italy. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-03-4
Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; Kusio, Tomas (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Poland. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-00-3
Galán-Muros, Victoria ; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; Sánchez Contreras, Alejandro (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in France. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-02-7
Galán-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Testar Ymbert, Xavier; Meerman, Arno; Sánchez Contreras, Alejandro (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Spain. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-5-2
Galán-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Ireland. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-7-6
Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; Markkanen, Mikko; Korpela, Mikko; Pienonen, Toni (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Finland. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-8-3
Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Klofsten, Magnus; Meerman, Arno (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Sweden. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-6-9
Baaken, Thomas; Meerman, Arno; Hessel, Roger; Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Turkey. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-9-0
Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; Allinson, Rebecca; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Baaken, Thomas (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in the United Kingdom. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-1-4
Meerman, Arno; Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Baaken, Thomas; van der Sijde, Peter (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in The Netherlands. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-2-1
Meerman, Arno; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas (2013): University-Business Cooperation in Germany. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-3-8
Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas.; Galán-Muros, Victoria.; Meerman, Arno (2011): Study on the cooperation between Higher Education Institutions and Public and Private Organisations in Europe. Brussels: European Commission, DG Education and Culture. ISBN 978-92-79-23167-4
Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): The State of European UBC: A practicioners' perespective. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Center
Presentations (2)
Rossano Rivero, S.; Meerman, A.; Kesting, T.; Baaken, T. (2015):
University-business Cooperation in Advanced Problem-Based Learning: Developing transversal skills among undergraduate students, HTSF Conference on Technology Based Entrepreneurship, Groningen, Netherlands.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno (2012):
Business-minded: a study Highlighting the Academic University-Business Cooperation Champions., Entrepreneurial Universities Conference, Münster, Germany.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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