Workshop on „Science-to-Business Marketing: How to successfully market research competencies, capacities and results”
Academy of Marketing Conference 2010 in Coventry, UK, 7. Juli 2010
As part of a special session about science-to-business marketing, a workshop covering this topic has been conducted at the Academy of Marketing Conference on the 7th of July 2010 in Coventry, England. Professor Amanda Broderick, head of the conference, opened the workshop and broaded the issue on fundaments of science-to-business marketing, customer satisfaction analysis in research markets and its implications. Based on the presentations of analysis results, the workshop participants developed concepts and practical instructions for their daily practice. Therefore, the participants received not only scientific groundwork, but also concrete measures and examples.
International workshop on “Science Marketing - Developing University-Industry Partnerships to Strengthen Innovative Economies”
St. Petersburg, Russia, May 14th, 2010
The aim of the forum at the Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies,
Mechanics and Optics was to discuss the current situation, barriers and future developments concerning innovations, academic facilities and the transfer between universities and companies. Among the participants were representatives of different universities and enterprises, but also high-ranking politicians.
Key contents of the workshop were:
- Techniques and strategies for market research
- Science-to-business marketing: models and tools
- Best practices / case studies
- Empirical research projects on customer satisfaction among research customers
International Workshop on “The Power of University-Industry Relationships: Fostering Collaborative Innovation By Using Science-to-Business Marketing”
Hong Kong, China, December 3rd, 2009
As part of the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2009) on December 3rd, 2009, a workshop on the topic “The Power of University-Industry Relationships: Fostering Collaborative Innovation by Using Science-to-Business Marketing” was conducted. The ICKM 2009 was hosted by the University of Hong Kong, China.
The participants were transfer associates and researchers of mainly Chinese, but also international universities. Therefore, the workshop formed an international platform for a transnational exchange of experiences in the field of knowledge transfer between science and economy. The workshop aimed especially at sharing new knowledge and experiences on how to successfully implement innovations in university-industry relationships. Presenters were Thorsten Kliewe, Kerstin Linnemann and guest speaker Philipp Marquardt (Senior Consultant Deloitte Consulting GmbH).
Workshop on „Science-to-Business Marketing – a new approach in technology transfer”
Technologiestiftung (technology foundation) Berlin, 03. September 2009
The workshop on science-to-business marketing showed how models and instruments of marketing can consequently be used in research and transfer and therefore contribute to the aspect of demand orientation.
Topics of the workshop were:
- Market research, market analysis in research- and transfer markets
- Instruments of S-to-B marketing
- Concepts for partnering and models
- Evaluation of commercialization potential of a technology
Target group members were technology transfer managers, research marketers, institute- and project-leaders.
During the workshop, the 102 participants had the choice between two different tracks.
Track 1 treated the topic „Market research in research markets“, with the following impulse lectures:
- Current customers, customer satisfaction analysis
- Potential customers, image- and potential analysis
Track 2 treated the topic „Customers and partners“, with the following impulse lectures:
- Concepts for partnering, CRM and PRM
- Customer value analyses in reserach markets
- Evaluation of commercialization potential of a technology
In both tracks, the participants discussed the presented results and models and, furthermore, developed appliance examples for their own practice.
“Research Entrepreneurship – Commercialising Research Through Spin-Offs / Start Ups”
Adelaide, Australia, February 6th, 2009
The workshop “Research Entrepreneurship – Commercialising Research Through Spin-Offs /
Start Ups” was conducted in the Entrepreneurship, Commercialization and Innovation Centre (ECIC) of the University of Adelaide on February 6th, 2009. The presenters, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Baaken, were Dr. Carolin Plewa, Antonio Dottore, Todd Davey and others.
„Science-Marketing – the Workshop“
Mansoura University, Egypt, May 14th, 2008
During the 1st International Conference of Applied Arts „Applied Arts
and Future Expectations” on May 14th, 2008, the workshop “Science Marketing” was conducted. The conference was hosted by the Mansoura University in Damietta, Egypt.
Workshop “Key Account Management and Customer Relationship Management in Universities”
“Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences ARENE ry” in Helsinki, January 22nd, 2008
Partnering and science-to-business marketing are key success factors for the future development of relationships between universities and companies. New concepts are needed in order to support these relationships. Such a concept already exists in key account management, but still needs to be adjusted to the specific needs of university-company-relationships. Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken and Carsten Schröder, director of the Transferagentur Fachhochschule Münster GmbH, leaded the workshop. They introduced the classical, rather IT-based CRM and the PRM (Partner Relationship Management), which has been developed by the Fachhochschule Münster. Both concepts were explained to the participants and afterwards discussed in regard of their applicability in the own university.
Two workshops for the Technology Centre AS CR in Prague (Czech Republic)
November 20th, 2007 and June 5th, 2008
Both workshops dealt with the question, how researchers and employees at universities can be motivated in better ways in order to engage in innovations and cooperations with the economy. The title of the first workshop (2007) was „How to motivate researchers and employees to
innovation“. The second workshop (2008) was named „Motivating academics to inno-
vate and cooperate”. Both workshops treated the foundations of science-to-business marketing and offered the participants the possibility to transfer the basic idea of marketing and a strong customer-orientation to their universities.
International workshop on “Science Marketing Approach to Collaborative Research & Development”
Krakow, Poland, May 30th and 31st, 2005
In cooperation with the European network ProTon Europe (Public Research Organizations Technology Offices Network) there was a workshop on “Science Marketing Approach
to Collaborative Research & Development” in Krakow, Poland, on the 30th and 31st of May, 2005. The participants were Polish transfer representatives and scientists from different universities in Krakow.
International workshop on “Science Marketing Approach to Collaborative Research & Development”
Fribourg, Switzerland, April 29th, 2005
On April 29th, 2005, a workshop on “Science Marketing Approach to Collaborative Research & Development” was conducted at the yearly conference and general assembly of TII (Technology Innovation and Information) in Fribourg, Switzerland. Scientists and transfer associates from several European countries took part in this workshop.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Todd Davey Director for International Projects
+49 (0) 251 83-65596 Email |
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