Choiwai Maggie Chak, MSc
Short bio
Choiwai Maggie Chak is a doctoral candidate who comes from Hong Kong, China. Being passionate about tackling various health problems, after completing her degree in public health with the focuses of healthcare management and health promotion at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, she proceeded her master studies in epidemiology at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München (LMU), Munich, Germany. During her studies, not only did she specialise in various domains such as cancer, cardiovascular, infection and clinical epidemiology, but she also developed great interests in molecular and genetic epidemiology, where she spent a year working on ageing metabolomics in the Metabolism Group under Research Unit of Molecular Epidemiology at Helmholtz Zentrum München.
In addition, Maggie is highly enthusiastic about data science and enjoys conducting statistical analyses. She has performed internships at the Statistics and Workforce Planning Department of Hospital Authority in Hong Kong and worked as a part-time statistical programmer. She was also a co-founder of R-Ladies Munich, which is a start-up promoting a friendly and accessible atmosphere for female R-users to exchange statistical ideas and knowledge.
Apart from her geeky interests, Maggie also enjoys transferring her knowledge into applications with her friends and making small differences in her neighborhood, including promoting healthy behaviours among university students, health experts and minority groups via different initiatives and campaigns.
Being deeply influenced by her internship experiences and educational backgrounds, Maggie envisions the great potentials and benefits of developing health innovations in promoting personalised medicine, disease prevention and health promotion in society. Therefore, she wishes to pursue her PhD on applications and management of health innovations in community settings, and the facilitation of their transfer and integration to society. Maggie dedicates to become a sensitive, innovative, motivated and collaborative health professional who combines her versatile backgrounds and knowledge, as well as her research interests in personalised medicine and health prevention to promote primary care and address various future health challenges in society.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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