Dr. Nisha Korff, MA
Short bio
Nisha Korff, M.A. is a research assistant at the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre and a PhD candidate at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her field of speciality is university-business cooperation and in particular the personal, interpersonal and structural factors influencing such relationships. Prior to her position at the research centre she finished her Masters Degree in International Management with focus on Marketing, Sales and Customer Relationship Management at the Münster University of Applied Sciences.
Publications (5)
Journal papers (2)
Plewa, Carolin; Rampersad, Giselle; Johnson, Claire Rebecca; Baaken, Thomas; MacPherson, Greg; Korff, Nisha (2013): The Evolution of University-Industry Linkages A Framework, in: Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 30(1), pp. 21-44.
Plewa, Carolin; Korff, Nisha; Baaken, Thomas; MacPherson, Greg (2013): University-Industry Linkage Evolution: An Empirical Investigation of Relational Success Factors, in: R&D Management (RDM), 43(4), pp. 365-380.
Book chapters (3)
Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Korff, Nisha; Serbin, David (2014): Organisational Marketing - Making Use of Linkages and Transfer Potential between Marketing Disciplines. In: Kliewe, Thorsten; Kesting Tobias (Eds.) (2014): Moderne Konzepte des organisationalen Marketing. Modern Concepts of Organisational Marketing, Festschrift on the occasion of Prof.
Dr. Thomas Baaken's 60th birthday, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp. 3-21.
Schröder, Carsten; Baaken, Thomas; Korff, Nisha (2012): The Triangle for Innovation in Knowledge Transfer and Partnering at Münster University of Applied Sciences. - In: Gorzka, Gabriele (Ed): Knowledge Transfer - The New Core Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions. Practice and Perspectives in Russia and Germany. Kassel: Kassel University Press, S. 61-78
Baaken, Thomas; Korff, Nisha; Zech, Thorsten (2012): Emotionen im B-to-B Marketing. - In: Baaken, Thomas; Kesting, Tobias; Kliewe, Thorsten; Pörner, Ronald (Hrsg.): Business-to-Business-Kommunikation. Neue Entwicklungen im B-to-B-Marketing. Berlin : Erich Schmidt, 2012, S. 303-321
Presentations (4)
Kesting, Tobias; Korff, Nisha (2013):
The Importance of Transfer Intermediaries in University-Industry Interaction - Theoretical and Empirical Implications, University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Plewa, Carolin; Korff, Nisha; Baaken, Thomas; Macpherson, Gregory (2012):
Interrelationships between Dynamic Success Factors in University-Industry Linkages, at the 11th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and 5th FinPin Conference "Entrepreneurial Universities", Münster, Germany.
Korff, Nisha; Kesting, Tobias; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang (2011):
Market Segmentation in University-Industry Technology Transfer, presentation at T2S Technology Transfer Conference 2011 "Technology Transfer in a Global Economy" (22.-23.09.2011), Augsburg, Germany.
Korff, Nisha (2011):
Commercialisation Success - Do Drivers Change over Time, Presentation at the 5th International Forum From Science-to-Business "Modern Concept of Universities and High-tech Business Cooperation (11.05. - 13.05.2011), St. Petersburg, Russia.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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