Claudia Olvera Herrera, MA
Short bio
Claudia Olvera from Tulancingo, México, is visiting the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre at Münster University of Applied Sciences from March 1st to June 30th..
Claudia completed her study program at University of Barcelona in “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. Subsequently she gained academic and Business Consultancy experience at the Universidad de las Américas (UDLAP) at Puebla, México. Claudia received a grant from the Council of Science and Technology of México (CONACYT) and is currently doing her PHD on University-Business Collaboration at Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona Spain, supervised by Victoria Galan-Muros from S2BMRC. Thus her intentions are focused on the actual projects of S2BMRC, such as the recently contracted EC project “The state of University-Business Cooperation in Europe II” for DG Education & Culture in Brussels.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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