Friederike von Hagen, Dipl. Kauffrau
Publications (8)
Journal papers (2)
Baaken, Thomas; Rossano Rivero, Sue; von Hagen, Friederike; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno (2016): University-Business Cooperation and Entrepreneurship at Universities – An Empirical Based Comparison of Poland and Germany, 'Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne', ‘Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne’, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 3-26.
(ISSN 1506-7637 http://optimum.uwb.edu.pl)
DOI: 10.15290/ose.2015.05.77.01
Von Hagen, Friederike; Hölscher, Volker; Plewa, Carolin; Baaken, Thomas (2006): International research customer satisfaction surveys and research provider surveys. In: International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, (Eds.): Baaken Thomas / Sugasawa Yoshio; 2(2), pp. 210 - 224
Book chapters (3)
Baaken, Thomas; Galan Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; von Hagen, Frederike; (2014): A Comparison of the State of University Business Cooperation in Germany and Poland. In: Baaken, Thomas; Teczke, Janusz (Eds.)(2014): Managing Disruption and Destabilisation, pp. 261-280.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike; Raesfeld, Lydia; Pontigo Loyoal, América Patricia (2011): Identifying University Customers and Partners via Science Marketing - a report on a real life case of UAEH in Mexico; in: Badillo Vega, Rosalba; Raesfeld, Lydia; Villalvazo Naranjo, Juan; Baaken, Thomas (Ed.), La vinculación de las instituciones de educación superior con su entorno económico en el contexto internacional Alemania, Centroamérica y México, Pachuca, Mex.; pp. 188-207.
Gochermann, Josef; von Hagen, Friederike (2003): Forscher als Dienstleister. In: Mager, Birgit; Hamacher, Henderika (Eds.): Marketing und Kommunikation von Forschung, Cologne, pp. 62-74.
Conference papers (3)
Von Hagen, Friederike (2007): Customer Satisfaction measurement in research markets and its impact on science marketing strategies - a comparison on Germany, Australia, South Africa and Japan. In: AMSTAC (Eds.): Innovative Management of Technology Transfer, Beijing, China, pp. 238-250.
Amadi-Echendu, Joe; Pretorius, Tinus; Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike (2005): Science-to-Business Marketing - a Case Study from South Africa, Proceeding of 5th International Conference/Workshop on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation, October 25-26, 2005, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 407-416.
Von Hagen, Friederike; Baaken, Thomas; Hölscher, Volker; Plewa, Carolin (2005): International Customer Satisfactory Surveys (Germany and Australia) and Research Provider Surveys (Germany and Europe), Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation, October 25-26, 2005, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 384-394.
Presentations (19)
Baaken, T.; von Hagen, F. (2015):
Tools and approaches in S2B Marketing to market research findings, Presentation within the FP7 project “FP4BATIW project - Fostering partnerships for the implementation of best available technologies & management in the Mediterranean”, Tunis/Susah, Tunisia.
Baaken, T. ; von Hagen, F.; Kurzhals, K. (2014):
Creative Coupling - a Key Opportunity for Success in Transfer, 2014 UIIN University-Industry-Interaction Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike (2012):
Science-to-business Marketing as a real world case of UAEH in Mexico, Presentation at the 11th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and 5th FinPin Conference "Entrepreneurial Universities", Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; von Hagen, Friederike (2008):
Higher Education, Research & Technology Transfer in Australia, presentation at trans2tech workshop "Validation of the model of the TechAdvanceTM, a Technology Assessment Model", Consorzio Pisa Ricerche, Pisa, Italy.
Von Hagen, Friederike (2007):
Customer Satisfaction measurement in research markets and its impact on science marketing strategies - a comparison on Germany, Australia, South Africa and Japan, "China-EU Conference on Innovative Management of Technology Transfer" by AMSTAC (Association of the Management of Scientific and Technical Achievement of China), TII and Science Marketing Research Centre, 26.-28. September 2007, Beijing, China.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen; Friederike; Plewa, Carolin (2006):
Performance by Markets - A new Way of Successful Research Commercialisation by Getting Research Closer to Markets, 2nd Workshop on the process of reform of University systems and sustainable economic competitiveness, Fondazione Giorgio on 04.-06. May 2006, Venice, Italy.
von Hagen, Friederike (2005):
Forschung und Unternehmen - Science Marketing verbindet!...und sie wissen nicht, was sie tun?, AFM Marketing Symposium 2005 at Fachhochschule Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany.
von Hagen, Friederike; Baaken, Thomas; Hölscher, Volker; Plewa, Carolin (2005):
International Customer Satisfactory Surveys (Germany and Australia) and Research Provider Surveys(Germany and Europe), 5th International Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation and 1st International Conference/Workshop on Business, Technology and Competitive Intelligence, Tokyo,, Japan.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike; Hölscher, Volker; Plewa, Carolin (2005):
International Customer Satisfactory Surveys (Germany and Australia) and Research Provider Surveys(Germany and Europe), 4th International Conference/Workshop on Science-to-Business Marketing and Successful Research Commercialisation, 18.-19. October 2005, Pretoria,, South Africa.
von Hagen, Friederike (2005):
Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Research Commercialisation, Science Marketing Workshop and International Symposium, CUE Akademia Ekonomiczna Krakowie, Cracow, Poland.
von Hagen, Friederike (2005):
Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Research Commercialisation, Workshop at the Annual TII Conference, Freiburg, Switzerland.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike; Plewa, Carolin (2004):
A Study of Research Customers: Overall Satisfaction and Recommendations for Improvements, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference on 29. November - 01. December 2004 in, Wellington, New Zealand.
von Hagen, Friederike (2004):
Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Research Commercialisation, 3rd Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and successful Research Commercialisation, Brussels, Belgium.
von Hagen, Friederike (2004):
Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Research Commercialisation, 2nd Conference on Science-to-Business Marketing and successful Research Commercialisation, Münster, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike (2004):
New ways of getting University Research to markets, Technology and Economic Development Division der Texas A&T University (TAMU), Gary Sera, College Station Texas, , United States.
Baaken, Thomas; von Hagen, Friederike (2004):
New ways of getting University Research to markets, IC² (Innovation, Creativity & Capital), University of Texas, Austin, United States.
von Hagen, Friederike (2003):
Survey of Australian Research Clients, Science Marketing: A Talkfest on Successful Research Commercialisation New and Inspiring Aspects from Australia and Europe, Adelaide, Australia.
von Hagen, Friederike; Plewa, Carolin (2003):
Survey of Research Clients in South Australia, Science Marketing: A Talkfest on Successful Research Commercialisation New and Inspiring Aspects from Australia and Europe, Adelaide, Australia.
von Hagen,Friederike (2003):
Delphi by Using the Internet, presentation at School of Commerce of The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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