Dr. Victoria Galan-Muros, MSC
Short bio
Victoria Galan-Muros is a professional in the areas of university-business cooperation, innovation and academic entrepreneurship from different perspectives. Victoria has two undergraduate degrees from Universidad de Granada (Spain) in Business Management and also Market Research and Marketing, she holds a master degree in Social Research Methods (MSc) from London School of Economics (United Kingdom) and has currently finished her PhD on the topic "The University-Business Cooperation Ecosystem: an Evidence-Based Approach for the Management of European University-Business Cooperation" at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands). She was the lead-researcher in the largest European study completed in the area of university-business cooperation and has given numerous speeches as keynote speaker on the topic in twelve countries as well as workshops in ten countries. Previously lecturer and researcher in the University of Granada (Spain), Victoria is currently lecturer in Marketing at Fachhochschule Münster (Germany) and international projects manager with Latin America (D-PoLiTaTe and UniTransfer) at the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre. Victoria has teaching and research experience in nine universities and seven different countries whilst also has experience in the private sector, presently being consultant at Apprimo, communication and marketing director of University-Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) and editor in chief of University-Industry Innovation Magazine (UIIM).
Forthcoming publications (1)
Galán-Muros, V.; van der Sijde, P.; Groenewegen, P.; Baaken, T. (2015): Nurture over nature: how do European universities support their cooperation with business?. - In: Journal of Technology Transfer, S. 1-22 (Type: Journal paper)
Publications (33)
Journal special issues (1)
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; van der Sijde, Peter (2015): Approaching Universities as Entrepreneurial Organisations. Industry & Higher Education, August
Books (1)
Badillo-Vega, R.; Galán-Muros, V.; Raesfeld, L.; Baaken, T.; Rossano Rivero, S.; Villarreal-Castro M. (2015): „Change to Success: Case Studies of Latin American Universities on Solutions for Promoting Innovation in Knowledge and Technology Transfer“, Waxmannn, Münster
Journal papers (3)
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; van der Sijde, Peter (2014): Universities as Entrepreneurial Organizations - Introduction, Industry and Higher Education. - In: Universities as Entrepreneurial Organizations - Introduction, Industry and Higher Education, S. 219-221
González-Andrades, Miguel; Galan-Muros, Victoria; Arias-Santiago, Salvador; Carriel-Araya, Víctor; Martín-Piedra, Miguel Ángel; Alaminos-Mingorance, Miguel (2011): Students Objectives For Practical Histology In Health Sciences Curricula. Histology and Histopathology, vol 26 (1), 436.
González-Andrades, Miguel.; Galan-Muros, Victoria; Martin-Piedra, Miguel Ángel; Campos-Sanchez, Antonio; Garzón-Bello, Ingrid; Alaminos-Mingorance, Miguel (2011): Students' Theoretical Background For Practical Learning Histology.Histology and Histopathology. vol 26 (1), 437.
Book chapters (4)
Galán-Muros, V.; Sanchez-Contreras, A., Badillo-Vega, R., Raesfeld, L.; Baaken, T.; Villareal, M., Hidalgo-Sánchez, S. (2015): UniTransfer Executive Training Course 2013-2014. Executive Report. - In: Rosalba Badillo-Vega, Victoria Galán-Muros, Lydia Raesfeld, Thomas Baaken, Sue Rossano-Rivero, Milton Villarreal-Castro (Hrsg.). Münster: Waxmann, 2015, S. 34-49
Davey, Todd; Plewa, Carolin; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2014): University-Business Cooperation Outcomes and Impacts – A European Perspective, In Kliewe T., Kesting, T., (2014), Moderne Konzepte des organisationalen Marketing / Modern Concepts of Organisational Marketing, Springer Gabler.
Davey, Todd; Plewa, Carolin; Galan-Muros, Victoria; (2014): University-Business Cooperation outcomes and impacts - A European Perspective. In: Modern concepts of Organisational Marketing. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Del Barrio-García, Salvador; Luque-Martínez, Teodoro. (2011): An Overview of the Concept of Marketing Orientation in the Higher Education Sector. In Domanski, T. (Ed.) Academic Marketing: the roles of Universities in the Development of Cities and Regions. Lodz University Press.
Conference papers (5)
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Del Barrio-García, Salvador (2011): Students’ Perceived Value of Higher Education in Spain: a methodological approach. Proceedings book of Spanish National Marketing Conference, AEMARK, Castellón, 14-16 Septembre 2011.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Garzon-Bello, Ingrid; Gonzalez-Andrades, Miguel (2011): The Modernization Agenda of European Higher Education Institutions: The professionalization of Higher Education Management. En IATED (Ed.) Proceedings Book of International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Edulearn11, Barcelona.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Del Barrio-García, Salvador and Luque-Martínez, Teodoro (2011): Strategic Marketing of Higher Education Institutions: Missions’ and Customers’ Identification. Proceeding book of European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) 2011, Ljubljana, 24-27 May.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Luque-Martínez, Teodoro; Del Barrio-García, Salvador (2010): The importance of management in public higher education institutions in Spain. In IATED (Ed.) Proceedings book of International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Edulearn10, Barcelona.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Del Barrio-García, Salvador; Luque-Martínez, Teodoro (2010): Are higher education decentralization and national convergence compatible? The case of Spain. In IATED (Ed.) Proceedings book of International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Edulearn10, Barcelona.
Reports (17)
Galán-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; Rossano Rivero, Sue; Silva, Pedro (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Portugal. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-01-0
Davey, Todd; Altmann, Andreas; Ebersberger, Bernd; Meerman, Arno; Galán-Muros, Victoria (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Austria. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-04-1
Meerman, Arno; Davey, Todd; De Cleyn, Sven; Galán-Muros, Victoria (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Belgium. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-05-8
Meerman, Arno; Davey, Todd; Soraci, Alberto; Taylor, Steven; Galán-Muros, Victoria (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Italy. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-03-4
Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; Kusio, Tomas (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Poland. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-00-3
Galán-Muros, Victoria ; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; Sánchez Contreras, Alejandro (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in France. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-94-91901-02-7
Galán-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Testar Ymbert, Xavier; Meerman, Arno; Sánchez Contreras, Alejandro (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Spain. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-5-2
Galán-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Ireland. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-7-6
Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno; Markkanen, Mikko; Korpela, Mikko; Pienonen, Toni (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Finland. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-8-3
Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Klofsten, Magnus; Meerman, Arno (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Sweden. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-6-9
Baaken, Thomas; Meerman, Arno; Hessel, Roger; Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in Turkey. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-9-0
Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; Allinson, Rebecca; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Baaken, Thomas (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in the United Kingdom. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-1-4
Meerman, Arno; Davey, Todd; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Baaken, Thomas; van der Sijde, Peter (2013): The State of University-Business Cooperation in The Netherlands. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-2-1
Meerman, Arno; Galán-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas (2013): University-Business Cooperation in Germany. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, apprimo and UIIN, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-90-820668-3-8
Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas.; Galán-Muros, Victoria.; Meerman, Arno (2011): Study on the cooperation between Higher Education Institutions and Public and Private Organisations in Europe. Brussels: European Commission, DG Education and Culture. ISBN 978-92-79-23167-4
Davey, Todd; Baaken, Thomas; Deery, Michael; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): Good Practice Case Studies in University-Business Cooperation. European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Brussels.
Davey, Todd; Meerman, Arno; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): The State of European UBC: A practicioners' perespective. Science-to-Business Marketing Research Center
Magazine articles (2)
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): Un Sistema Educativo para la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Ateneo del Nuevo Siglo. vol. 14, 75-81. Ed. Ateneo de Málaga.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011): La Adaptación de los Métodos de Enseñanza al Plan Bolonia. Extoikos, vol 4,109-111 Ed. Instituto Econosperides.
Presentations (28)
Galan-Muros, Victoria; (2014):
How public organizations can support academic entrepreneurship? The cases of Europe and the USA., II Meeting of Entrepreneurial Scientists, Granada, Spain.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2014):
Making university-business relationships work, Universities in the 21st Century (as part of the International Festival for Business 2014), Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; (2014):
How Relationships between Universities and Business Work? The Global Universities in the 21st Century., Presentation at the International Business Festival, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd (2014):
University-Business Cooperation in Finland, Innovation Meeting JAMK and JYU, Jyväskyla, Finland.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2014):
Relevant factors to regulate University-Business Cooperation, University-Industry Interaction (UIIN) Conference 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd (2014):
A model to manage and regulate University-Business Cooperation, University-Industry Interaction (UIIN) Conference 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd (2014):
University-Business Cooperation in Sweden: the perspective of the technology transfer agents., Swedish Association of Innovation and Technology Transfer Support (Snnits) Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd; (2014):
University-Business Cooperation in Sweden: the perspective of the technology transfer agents., Swedish Association of Technology Transfer Support (Snnits) Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; (2014):
University-Business Cooperation: the way forward. "Innovate to Transform", Meeting organized by Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013):
University – Business Cooperation in the IT sector: think globally, act locally., Event organised by Sadosky Foundation and The Software and Informatics Services Argentinian Chamber of Commerce (CESSI), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Galan-Muros, Victoria; Davey, Todd (2013):
University Business Cooperation in Europe: how can we better manage it?, Innovation Bootcamp, Jyväskylä, Finland.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013):
University-Business Cooperation: a European perspective, NACRO Conference 2013: the Evolving Nexus of Academia, Industry and Government., Boston, United States.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013):
Enterprises Meet Universities: What Can Business Do for Education and Vice Versa?, Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Bonn, Germany.
Galán-Muros, Victoria (2013):
The influence of experience in the degree of University-Business Cooperation, University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013):
Challenges of European Innovation, Innovation Union Meeting, Ankara, Turkey.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013):
The presence and role of supporting Mechanisms on university entrepreneurship, ACERE Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013):
The role of supporting mechanisms in entrepreneurship within HEIs, ACERE Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2013):
State of European University-Business Cooperation and case studies of UBC good practise, University -Business Cooperation Forum; University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2012):
University-Business Cooperation: Links between Education and the World of Work., Project Directors' Conference: Cooperation with Industrialised Countries, Brussels, Belgium.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria; Meerman, Arno (2012):
Business-minded: a study Highlighting the Academic University-Business Cooperation Champions., Entrepreneurial Universities Conference, Münster, Germany.
Galán-Muros, Victoria (2012):
The State of Collaboration in R&D and Commercialisation of R&D in the Context of Cooperation between Business and Higher Education Institutions in Europe, TII - Proton Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Galan-Muros, Victoria, Davey, Todd (2012):
Student Mobility in the Context of Cooperation between Business and Higher Education Institutions, presentation at ERACON & Erasmus Coordinators Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2012):
Current Practice in European Student Mobility within Industry-University Collaboration, INENTER Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2012):
University-Business Cooperation in Europe: Key findings from a European Study, DG Education and Culture. European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.
Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011):
The Mobility of Students as part of the University-Business Cooperation., Thematic Meeting on Eramus Placement, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011):
University-Business Cooperation in Europe: Key findings from the European study into UBC, Thematic Forum: Innovation together. Partnerships for an Entrepreneurial Europe, Enschede, Netherlands.
Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011):
Results of a Major Study: the Cooperation between Higher Education Institutions and Public /Private Organisations, Symposium für Wissenschaftsmarketing, Berlin, Germany.
Baaken, Thomas; Davey, Todd; Galan-Muros, Victoria (2011):
Results of a Major Study on the Cooperation between Higher Education Institutions and public/private Organisations, Presentation at Berliner Symposium für Wissenschaftsmarketing der TU Berlin in der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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