"Science Marketing"
December 9, 2003 in Adelaide, Australia
The Research Centre organised its first conference in German-Australian cooperation on 9th December 2003 in Adelaide, Australia. This was the first of a series of international conferences on the subject of Science-to-Business Marketing during the period in which the Centre was supported by the state of NRW. The Adelaide conference was sponsored by the Government of South Australia, Department of Further Education, Employment, Science & Technology, and the DAAD (German-Academic Exchange Service). The event was held in cooperation with Realize Technology Pty Ltd, a company specialised in research commercialisation. All participants and the stakeholders of the Research Centre (representatives from the NRW Ministry of Science and Research, the advisory board and different universities in NRW) received a CD with the compiled presentations given at the conference, including:
- Shane Cheek, Director, Realize Technology Pty Ltd, Australia
- Prof Thomas Baaken, Project Manager, Science Marketing ,Germany
- Karl Schultheis, Head of the research funding branch, Ministry of Science and Research, NRW, Germany
- Prof Klaus Niederdrenk, President, University of Applied Sciences Münster, Germany
- Assoc Prof Piet Beukman, Director, Technology Commercialisation, ITEK, University of SA
- Prof Peter Robinson, Chair, CRC for Cast Metals Manufacturing, Australia
- Carolin Plewa, University of Adelaide, Science Marketing, Germany
- Rodger Bouette, Managing Director, Ingara Technology Strategies Pty Ltd, Australia
A seminar and workshop named "Science Marketing & Technology Transfer" preceded the conference in Adelaide (26th to 28th June 2003). 20 participants - with industry and science background - prepared themselves for the upcoming conference by developing analytical and evaluation instruments.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken Managing Director of the Research Centre "Science Marketing"
Professor in Technology Marketing and B-to-B Marketing at Münster University of Applied Sciences
+49 (0) 251 83-65690 Email |
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