S2BMRC Contribution to UIIN University-Industry-Interaction Conference in London
June 22, 2018
S2BMRC Team members Eva Sormani (corresponding author) and Thomas Baaken presented a paper on “The Potential of Nudging for the Engaged University” on the UIIN University-Industry-Innovation-Network Conference in London.
Co-Authors have been Marieke Baaken (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Faculty of Economic Sciences) and Sanae Okamoto (Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology). Additionally Mr. Teddy served as mascot of the presentation and called himself a “nudge” to present in the respectable track. He managed to get more attendees into the track and motivated people to listen. A perfect example for a nudge.

Prof. Dr. Baaken (back), Eva Sormani (left) Mr. Teddy (center), Marieke Baaken (center) and Sanae Okamoto after the presentation.
Nudges are effective tools to trigger or support change in human behaviour. Several nudge strategies have been developed in daily life scenes (economical and sustainable decisions, health and nutrition action and others). Nudges have not been applied to UBC so far.
The presentation was well received and lead to extended discussion, as nudges seem to be a new and effective tool to get UBC trigger and enhanced. The paper is available on UIIN Conference and Research gate.

Marieke Baaken (left) and Eva Sormani (right).

Mr. Teddy enjoying the sun after the presentation.

Impressions from the audience.
University-Industry Interaction Conference